The Vatican New World Order

by Infowarrior 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Infowarrior

    We know that the Watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".

    The Watchtower inisists it is the Faithful and Discreet Slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time. However on close examination, is this really the case ? Or is the Watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern Western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier Christian sheep ?

    Is providing hours of endless talks, and printing countless magazines that only relate vauge, general Biblical and secular material that any literate highschool graduate should know really providing food at the proper time ?

    Even more, is the Watchtower complicit in activities engaged in by the many agents of the world that is "lying in the power of the wicked one"? From investements in international banking hedge funds to corporate heiarchy to child abuse coverups and errouneus "prophecies", is the Watchtower not literally in bed with the Wild Beast system ? Even the fact that in the modern age, Christains are expected by the Watchtower to trust completley in the authority of less then 13 men who they will likely never meet in their lives? Even the idea of accepting the doctrine and rulership of a religious orgainization without question in the modern age should not be a small thing for one who considers themselves to be a true Christian as laid out in the Bible.

    Why does the Watchtower, and other organized religious organizations spend all their time talking about world events and bible prophecy, yet completley skirt around the real world events that are taking place? Clearly when Jesus and the apostles were alive, understanding of the world around them was essentail. However in Watchtower land, your hours are spent debating about pointless concepts and examining the same scriptures over and over with out any real world application.

    One may point to the fact that under United States law and the Constitution, that separtation of Church and State means that religions can not be involved or take sides in politics. Even more binding then that, the Internal Revenue Service code requires all organized religions in America to be complaiant with 501c3 regulations. This means that religions are restricted from teaching "political" information, or religious teachings that interfere with the modern political landscape.

    When one steps away from the controlled box of organized religion, including the Watchtower, we can see a world where real events are taking place. From a Christian background, even raised within an organization like the Watchtower, we can see that serious events are happening. But where do we really want to be with the Lord ?

    A real examination of the world around us requires putting aside many of our preconceptions. Before we can see past our religious preconceptions, we need to look at our secular preconceptions. The false or deceptive world history we have been taught in public schools since 1913. The false economic system that has been established since 1913. The illusion of the supposed rights and freedoms we have in the modern world. We need to look at the real facts that are often downplayed or covered up by the very system that supports us. Then we need to look at the religous world, and see the deception and lies engaged by those organizations.

    The point of the matter is, we live in serious times. If you consider yourself a Christian, but are not aware or do not accept reality, and easily succumb to the decpetions and lies of the devils system, somehow convincing your self that understanding and accepting truth makes you an ingnorant conspiracy nut, then you have to ask your self what the Lord will say to you when the time comes. If your a Christian, and your study and research has not lead to a fuller realization of what is really happening, you may have missed the boat. Perhaps you are not on the side you think you are.

    The bottom line is the Bible provides us much insight into the world today and the spirtual fight we are in. From all my research, the clear truth is abundantly clear. It may be hard to accept, and does not mean you will find all the awnsers. Even to me, it does not awnser everything, but understanding of hidden truths does make things alot more clearer.

    For ease of understanding, my main things I wish more people could understand and come to accept as fact, are listed below. Then ask yourself, as I do, how can I ever fullly belivie anything any religion does, or dedicate my life to thier insanity?

    - Constantine institued the Holy Roman Empire under the Vatican and the Dark Ages Began in 337 establishing Vatican control over much of the world. (Vatican papal bulls enforced thier authority over the known world)

    - Martin Luther and others resisted and exposed the Vatican creating a religious divide, allowing Christians to move closer to Biblical Christaianity.

    - The Vatican began to engage in warfare and build a poweful world reich that aims for world control.

    - The Vatican gained control over the modern world through secret socities including Masons, Templars, Jesuits, Zionist Jews and bankers, and other Vatican groups.

    - In 1913, the International Bankers began to fully establish a world banking cartel through central banking, including the US Federal Reserve (prior to the Rothschilds taking over Englands financial system after the battle of Waterloo)

    - In 1917 the Zionist Vatican backed Balfour Declatoration called for Palastine to be given to the Jewish people

    - In 1919, the Vatican called for an International banking New World Order in the New York Times via Associated Press (AP)

    - That America, England, and the rest of the modern western world, are Roman controlled lands under Roman law and that all politics are sideshows for the rule of the Vatican. (All western world leaders serve the Vatican)

    - American corporations such as IBM, Coke, and Ford as well as the Bushes and British Royal Family worked with funding and supporting the Nazi government and Hitler.

    - The Vatican signed a contract (Reichskonkordat) with the Nazi thrid Riech in 1933

    - The Rothschilds and other Zionist Vatican approved individuals used the Holocaust to move Jews into Palestine and build settelements which to this day has lead to bloody and cruel war, as the Jews were given the promised land in Israel. 1967

    Much evidance makes it abundantly clear that America, Canada, England and Israel are being ruled by the Vatican. Our law in these countries is essentially Roman and Jewish (Judicial) law.

    The Roman symbol of power and authority of the Faschi, a bundle of sticks with a hatchet, is predomintly displayed in the House Chamber of Congress, on American dimes, State seals, and other official emblems in North America and England.

    The European Union Constitution was signed in Rome in the same room as the first Rome Treaty in 1957, next to a gaint statue of the Pope.

    There is much much much more evidance that the Wild Beast is the Vatican and they are using the United Nations as thier tool for world government. The facts and evidance is clear. I have much evidance of this avaible from source documents and images. When you can see this, thier is no disupute.

    Please just watch this video, and then really think about it.

    Then ask why we should trust the Watchtower or any other religion. I can not accept ignorance of truth and fact to be considered worship of god. I also can not accpet the label of conpiracy thoeirst. Facts are Facts as long as no evidence disproves them as facts. I am afraid we really are moving towards the new Dark Ages, a world goverment under the International Bankers, United Nations, Zionist Vatican New World Order...

  • Infowarrior

    just for the record, i dont fully agree with his inteperation of Daniels Image (I dont think Russia too much of a threat bt you never know) iif you want to skip his image interpetaiton skip to 5:00 to get the good stuff

  • Nambo

    "Much evidance makes it abundantly clear that America, Canada, England and Israel are being ruled by the Vatican. Our law in these countries is essentially Roman and Jewish (Judicial) law.

    There is much much much more evidance that the Wild Beast is the Vatican and they are using the United Nations as thier tool for world government."


    IT is Babylon the Great which rules those countries, Rev 17v18, the Vatican cannot be BTG and the Beast, and it is Babylon the Great who is using the UN as their tool for World Government, the Bible defines the Beast as the resultant united government or New World Order rather than the creator of itself.

    So is Rome the great city of Babylon the Great?

    Babylon the Great is blamed for killing the Prophets and having the blood of all slain in her skirts Rev 18v24

    In Matthew 23v 35and 37, Jesus is attributing to the Jewish leaders and the Great city of Jerusalem the killing of the prophets and all the righteous blood shed on the Earth.


    Was Jesus mistaken when he assigned Jersualem the blood guilt of the Prophets if in fact it turned out to be Rome that killed all those Old Testament Prophets?

    Or does Jesus just go around accusing anybody he doesnt like on a particular day the blood guilt of all those slain on the Earth?

    Whilst it may appear that Catholics still have great influence in world affairs, the same could equally be said about Freemasonry.

    How about the school of Historical study that suggests during the Spanish persecution of Jews and the subsequent Spanish Inquisition, the Sanhedrin had issued an edict for Jews to convert to Catholicism in order to subvert and control that religion from within?

    The same infultration is reported regarding the Freemasons.

    This way you can still incorporate Catholic conspiracies without having to invalidate Jesus words if you consider the Catholics are not at the very top of the Pyramid, it is the so called Jewish Banker Leaders like Rothschild who are, and just as it says in Revelation 2 v 9, they are not even Jewish, they are Russian converts who hide behind the Jews and get them to absorb the hate and persecutions their actions forment.

    And when Babylon the Great falls, Revelation 18 describes the total collapse of world commerce, if the Catholic Church collapsed, would that prevent you taking out a loan to buy a new car?

    If the worlds Jewish owned Banking system collapsed however, that would.

  • turtleturtle

    Hey infowarrior:

    Are you an Alex Jones Radio show listener by chance?

  • NoStonecutters

    Infowarrior, ironic that the Vatican-dunnit crowd claim Rome co-opted Zionism when for hundreds of years, opponents of world government have accused Zionism of co-opting Catholicism, starting during the Reformation and especially with the Second Vatican Council.

    Roman Catholic Church Not Crypto Jewish

    by Tony Blizzard

    Edward Hendrie's article is so full of misrepresentation of every possible type he can dream up of the true Catholic Church (pre Vatican 2, which "new order" is itself actually Protestant), plus absolutely drooling with wishful thinking, one wonders if he isn't, himself, a Talmudist, or just one of their "useful idiot" defenders.

    I've heard these Protestant ravings and imaginings my whole life (I am not a Catholic) and was up in years before I ever investigated any of them. Not a single one of these ravings holds up under unbiased investigation. Many words from this wannabe "expert" which are, in reality, vicious libels against the Church.

    Want some real TRUTH on the subject? Try William Cobbett's "A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland." Cobbett, a Protestant, wrote his fully documented history using British official records in the years 1824-1827. He minces no words about the Protestant wholesale destruction of cathedrals, churches, monasteries, and the theft of practically all Church property making the thieves a "new rich" in England whose offspring still mainly rule the isles, at least moneywise. Not to mention the wanton slaughter of the masses who refused to give up their ancient religion for the new, state mandated, imitation.

    You can back that up with the more modern, "The Stripping of the Altars, Traditional Religion in England 1400-1500" by Eamon Duffy, whose research centered at the Cambridge University Library.

    It is very telling how some Protestants fume in attempts to disparage Catholicism but are not bothered at all by the Talmudists who have targeted all non-Jews (plus some Jews) for enslavement or extinction.

    Here are some words out of the mouths or pens of the Talmudists themselves on the subject taken from speeches at a B'nai B'rith (Jews only masonic lodge) Convention held in Paris, France in Feb., 1936 as published in "Le Reveil du Peuple," a Parisian weekly:

    "As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come." wolf.jpeg "We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we cannot yet claim that the whole of our work is done. We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent; the Catholic Church...."

    "We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of Israel...."

    "That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic Church to her very foundations. We have spread the spirit of revolt and false liberalism among the nations of the gentiles so as to persuade them away from their faith and even to make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their Religion and obeying the commands of their Church. We have brought many of them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants of the ape! We have given them new theories, impossible of realization, such as Communism, Anarchism, and Socialism, which are now serving our purpose....The stupid Gentiles have accepted them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realizing that those theories are ours, and that they constitute our most powerful instrument against themselves...."

    "We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities. We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and have thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side.... So much so, that we are now witnessing, to our greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries.... We have turned her clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd... We have caused the practice of the Catholic Religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time...."

    "We have induced some of our children to join the Catholic body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Catholic Church, by creating scandals within her."

    "We are the Fathers of all Revolutions-even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was trusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation."

    "Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success...."

    "Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught...."

    "We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes-although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us. We are grateful to them for the wonderful help they are giving in our fight against the stronghold of Christian Civilization, and in our preparations for the advent of our supremacy over the whole world and over the Kingdoms of the Gentiles."

    "But the Catholic Church is still alive..."

    "We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy. Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of world against the Catholic Church."

    There is plenty more but this should suffice to show that Hendrie is either an agent for the Talmudist agenda or simply a biased Protestant without a real clue.

    It should also suffice to show anyone the real origins of Vatican II, which converted most of the Church into just another protesting sect. Protesting against itself.


  • NoStonecutters

    I was reading some Catholic books last night and learned that Maryology, specifically the controversial dogmas of the Immaculate Conception and her alleged Annunciation, are not requirements to be a member of the RCC. Interestingly, though, these dogmas were not official until the 19th century, well after the Kabbalah had infiltrated the RCC, although before the Judaizing of Vatican II.

    Many traditional Catholics beleive thier Church was corrupted shortly after the 1,000-year millennial reign, which ended shortly before the Reformation. If anyone had any doubts about this, the Second Vatican Council (radical modernization of Catholic dogma) was the proof.

  • NoStonecutters

    Another thing to consider, infowarrior, is that the modern occult monetary system is not rooted in the Vatican, like some claim, but in London. During the Reformation, Kabbalism and Secret Societies swept England. Even Queen Elizabeth took up membership in a secret society. The Crown, under influence of Kabbalah, wields the real power in this world. Fractional reserve banking is the vehicle by which the Crown rules.

  • Chariklo

    There is no such thing as Maryology. That is a caricature painted by those who hate the Catholic faith.

    All Catholics direct their prayers to God, and ask Mary to pray for them. It's as simple as that, the Orthodox Church likewise. Some Anglicans too...maybe some Episcopalians also, but I don't know how things are done in America among the Episcopalians, just Anglicans in Britain.

  • NoStonecutters

    Chariklo, from my understanding, the Chruch was somewhat divided on issues surrounding Mary. St. Thomas Aquinas was more reserved about it while others called for veneration of Mary. Mary was scantily mentioned during the first few hundred years of the Church. But like I said, there were no official dogmas until much later on.

    Generally, the Orthodox Church rejects both the Immaculate Conception (not to be confused with virgin birth) and the Assumption dogmas. Asking Mary for intervention requires one to believe in the Assumption dogma.

    Infowarrior, here are a couple of good reads on the infiltration of the RCC: Judaism and the Vatican ( and The Plot Against the Church ( These are things Alex Jones won't tell you about.

    Nambo, I agree, Jerusalem is the city on seven hills. Rome cannot be the whore of Babylon.

  • Satanus


    'monetary system is not rooted in the Vatican, like some claim, but in London. During the Reformation, Kabbalism and Secret Societies swept England. Even Queen Elizabeth took up membership in a secret society. The Crown, under influence of Kabbalah, wields the real power in this world. Fractional reserve banking is the vehicle by which the Crown rules.'

    Don't know about the kabbalah part, but i agree w the money part of it.

    ' "We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes-although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us. '

    Yes, protestants are slaves to israel and all things zionist. It's because their religion has zionist foundations. American christianity is it's main servant, at this time, puppet. Catholicism does so, as well. It's just that they have managed to place another strong layer over the jewish one. Instaed of the 'bible only' doctrine of the protestants, the catholics have the pope/holy see (cee?), the church and the priests as that insulating layer. The jewish bible is pushed into the background. However, the bible, the main cornerstone is still solidly jewish.

    And so, since judaism and by connection israel is the main foundation of both the catholic and protestant. This fact leaves both of them, ultimately vulnerable to zionists. Both orgs will either fall or be subservient to zionists as what they are both built on is zionist, ot and nt.

    The road to freedom is leaving the the jewish construct of christianity, in all it's forms. Only then will they be able to face the anglojewish monetary enslavement system. It's a long and painful road ahead of us.


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