" Fry Day " , The Sequel

by Tallyman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman


    First off, dedalus, you li'l swaddling babe,
    I think ALL emotikons should be BANNED...
    did you know that the Watchtowerkult is planning on killing
    wittle biddy bwabies like you?

    They view you as infant rodents (like Nazi propaganda concerning Jews) who need EXTERMINATING.

    LOoKiT!, it's True!


    The Kult is even going to execute Baby DOLLS, especially Smurfs!

    * http://www.intrex.net/tallyman/Weep_19.html

    Just thought I'd warn ya.

    LOve, Tallyman

  • Tallyman
    I forgot to mention why I use that image.
    It's to demonstrate the fact that even the bugs are attracted to light. They have more sense than some people do, ya see.

    Fry Day,

    we know your Kult views all people of the world as Bugs
    who are obstacles in the Kingdom Way, and need to be Z!A!P!P!E!D!

    LOve, Tallyman

  • Tallyman


    "Does the loyalty you have for your friend, Fry Day, really have a "damn" thing to do with this thread? If so what?"

    Are you Fry Day's Punk, his Boy, his Shill?

    Oh, and why are you just like Fry Day in being a Khickenshit Koward
    with a Closed, Padlocked Mailbox?

    What you and Fry Day scared of?

    That the Kult might find you??

    Watchtower Weenies.

    LOve, Tallyman

  • Lefty

    "Lefty" and "Yadirf" are the same person, Yerry Pee! Er, I meant to say Jerry Lee.


  • dedalus
  • JT

    Friday says:

    It's to demonstrate the fact that even the bugs are attracted to light. They have more sense than I do, ya see.


    you got to love it

    yes i changed it, but i just figure that he forgot to include the "I"


  • Tallyman
    yes i changed it, but i just figure that he forgot to include the "I"


    Yes JT,

    I think that was an honest omission on Fry Day's part.

    You were very thoughtful in remedying the situation.

    This board is full of helpful people.

    LOve, Tallyman

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