Its sad how Americans think they are the center of the world regarding Sandy...

by mP 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP


    I have no idea, why Soledad made such a statement.

  • Berengaria

    YOU made the statement.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I don't understand the point of this thread. What happened with that cyclone is terrible and a tradgedy anywhere it hit.

    Instead of bashing people who have lost friends, family and countrymen in a disaster have some compassion. If you feel that others have not been considered or aren't known about, tell people about them. But don't bash other victims. Include them.

    Americans helped us with aide when we had earthquakes in NZ....and it looks like we will do the same for Americans. I'm sure that all other people affected by this will also receive help from red cross etc...who many of us donate to. And our governments do finaciallly assist others in these situations.

  • simon17

    When did i make a personal statement about what i am or what i dont do ? I m not looking for the media spotlight to show what good i do or dont do.

    Yet you are calling out others asking them specifically what they are doing for the Carribbean in this incident. You're railing against a government that gives as much or more foreign aid than any nation on the planet. You're not looking for the media spotlight but trashing the media for reporting on other things. So how about you take your own advice and stop worrying about what other people and nations do or don't do and concentrate on doing the best that YOU can do.

  • Soledad

    mp are you friggin kidding me??

  • Berengaria
    Yet you are calling out others asking them specifically what they are doing of the Carribbean in this incident. Your railing against a government that gives as much more more foreign aid than any nation on the planet. Your not looking for the media spotlight but trashing the media for reporting on other things. So how about you take your own advice and stop worrying about what other people and nations do or don't do and concentrate on doing the best that YOU can do.

    Hear hear!!

  • frankiespeakin

    Hey it would be nice if we were all Universalist, but to under take such a task would require a highly evolved human race nolonger seperated by boarders or bounderies. I'm afraid we are ego centric, then next family centric,and hopefully as we grow older and mature we broaden out in our interest and how we view other people farther away from us with compassion as fellow human beings branching out hopefully to less intelligent creatures then ourselves even plants.

    We maybe approaching it though, slowly but surely at least that's my POV.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Putting things in perspective? They're right, you'd be horrible at a funeral. You'd probably be telling the grieving family about all the other people who die daily, all under the guise of 'putting things in perspective'. Fine, maybe you might not 'hate' the country, but you obviously despise it based on your generalisation and blanket condemnation of it. What I am suggesting is that you obviously have a grudge against Americans, and it has little to do with Sandy.

  • talesin

    I think it's very bad timing, and as you appear to be a Brit, BAD FORM, to bring up American exceptionalism on the heels of a disaster.

    Right now, a LOT of people are suffering ... homes are lost, people with special needs will suffer and possibly die, and this is a major disaster for the USA, just as was Katrina.

    My love, sympathies and good wishes going out to my American cousins at this moment, and I am hoping we don't get a winter storm in the next couple of weeks. All the best!



  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    How screwed would the outside countries be if America does not take care of itself?

    Go ask China and the Middle East for aid next time your region needs aid!

    Americans can never do enough to all the greedy countries wanting to suck it dry! What Bullshit and short sighted views, bite the hand that feeds most of the poor countries in pain!

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