Just started to research the who's who of gods!
Really helps to not take any of this 'god' power seriously!
http://home.swbell.net/dndylion/paganreligions.html, Roots of Christianity:
Greek Pagan Religion: Dionysus is another savior-god. He was worshipped throughout much of the Middle East as well. He had a center of worship in Jerusalem in the 1st century BCE. Some ancient coins have been found in Gaza with Dionysus on one side and JHWH (Jehovah) on the other . In later years, his flesh and blood were symbolically eaten in the form of bread and wine .
http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/etgloss/ja-jz.htm, Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary: Ja-Jz:
Jehovah Nissiyehowah nissi (Hebrew) [from nes lofty, an elevation + i mine] Jehovah, my elevation; in the Bible the altar built by Moses (Ex 17:15); Blavatsky maintains that this aspect of Jehovah was equivalent to Dionysos or Bacchus , and that the Jews worshiped this deity (the androgyne of Nissi) as the Greeks might have worshiped Bacchus and Osiris. Tradition has it that Bacchus was reared in a cave of Nysa, which is between Phoenicia and Egypt. As the son of Zeus, he was named for his father (gen Dios) and the place: Dio-Nysos (the Zeus or Jove of Nysa). Diodorus identifies this Dionysos with Osiris