The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

by PaintedToeNail 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    ptn that's awesome :)

    it might be a bumpy road ahead, but i think what you're doing is great.

    and really, if you think about it, if it's REALLY the truth, why would you have to force kids to go?

    why would you have to force kids to not hang out with the "worldly kids"?

    if it was really the truth, wouldn't it stand up to all the scrutiny thrown at it?

    i truly think that your hardwork will pay huge dividends later and your kids will thank you.

    sending you a pm in a few minutes

  • Soledad

    How does all this affect the relationship between you and your hubby painted?

    You could answer that in a pm if you wish.

  • kurtbethel
  • flipper

    PAINTED TOE NAIL- I am so sorry that you are in a devastating situation like this watching as your mind controlled abusive husband so misguidedly takes his tensions out on your dear children by whipping them into submission to go to a meeting. Jesus Christ man- this is freaking child abuse what your husband did to your child in spanking them to go to a meeting. Pisses me the hell off. No offense, but if I was face to face with your husband, I'd kick his ass.

    You ARE the other parent in the home. Is there any way you can suggest to your husband to just send your child to his or her room for a one hour timeout for not going to meetings ? There are other ways to discipline. I raised 3 children into adulthood , so I have I feel some pretty good opinions on this. Painted , my friend - My JW ex-wife humiliated my children growing up by yelling at my then 5 year old daughter to get her dress on for the meeting standing there screaming at her that, " Jehovah only loves good little girls who aren't late to the meeting and get dressed on time ! If you make us late to the meeting you can just stay here alone at the house " ! Of course- I intervened and told my wife to STOP harassing our little girl - but the point I'm making is all through their teenage years my JW ex-wife did her best to beat my kids psychologically over the head with GUILT to make them feel very insecure within themselves, that they were NOTHING if they missed meetings ! It did a real number on all of my kids self esteem, and to this day ONLY my 27 yr.old son escaped the Witness cult and it's taken him years to regain good self esteem, which he now has .

    Painted - I feel you need to have a heart to heart SERIOUS discussion with your JW husband about NOT spanking those children for not going to meetings. Your husband is already doing significant psychological damage to them in their heads by forcing them to attend, don't let him beat them to a pulp either physically. You have power as a loving mother my friend . USE that power to restrain your psychologically out of touch husband. I wish you the best . If things keep going from bad to worse, I would leave and demand primary custody of your children. It's doing your kids more damage being controlled by a cult member than a split in the marriage would. Just my opinion. It may bacfire on you when the kids get into their 20's and they ask you WHY you didn't put your foot down with their dad ? I saw this happen to my older JW sister who allowed her JW husband to beat her kids, my niece and nepphew. Now my 37 yr.old niece who is a JW resents her JW mom for not leaving the abusive JW father earlier. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just sharing different views of what HAS happened to some people in similar circumstances. Naturally the final decision is yours and we will be here for you no matter what my friend. Just speaking about what I've seen in real life over the years

  • flipper

    After reading my post I see that your husband THREATENED to spank the child using it as intimidation. This is STILL wrong as it is use of FEAR and GUILT to manipulate your child into submission. Your husband is psychologically abusive even if he hasn't laid a pinky on your kids. If your kids are to be sane in their heads by the time they are 20- something needs to be done about the caustic environment your husband is producing here. You do have more power than you give yourself credit for Painted. For your childrens sake- use that power in a positive way ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • kurtbethel

    It is a sad and pathetic religion that is so boring it requires beatings to get someone to participate.

    Even Devil worshippers have more to offer than that.

  • ziddina

    Good grief...

    Nothing like a dictatorial attitude to show true "Christian" love...

    As others have said, it's probable that NONE of your children will get baptised - unless, of course, your husband threatens and intimidates them into that, too...

    I'd prepare a defense for that probability, if I were you. I can see it coming, right now...

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • tiki

    poor kids - this guy needs some courses in child psychology. not to mention common sense. you don't get a kid or an adult or even your pet dog to love something and want it if they are tortured into it. if he wants them to love and participate in his religion he should be making it fun and nice for them - a pleasant experience - not a threat and fear of bodily pain and/or harm.

    keep your head up, painted toenail and give those kids all the love in the world....they'll get the picture. best luck and know we're rooting for you.

  • Lozhasleft

    Ooh PaintedToeNail I want you to pick up your kids and all of you get the hell out of there and away from your JW husband. Let them grow up with freedom! Easy for me to say on here I know. I was the strong JW mum who forced mine to go. I deeply regret it. Hindsight is wonderful, but please free them if you can, and not let them get spanked for missing a meeting with the cult.

    Loz x

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