A couple of real wild statements made at the meeting Sunday

by Sour Grapes 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    The speaker should have stated THIS - which would have been more accurate according to WT Society teachings, " We are 98 years into multiple overlapping generations of the last days concerning Jesus promise, " this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur. " This would have been more accurate and expose the moronic teaching for what it is - moronic

  • james_woods

    You know - it SHOULD really make some of them wonder why they call it the "last days" if it lasts longer than a hundred years - still with no end in sight.

    That is a lot of "days".

  • DaveS

    36,104 days so far, if you count from the begininng of 1914.
    35,896 since the start of World War I.

    Yeah, I agree that's a fair few "last days"!

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    Do not forget - a thousand years with Jehovah are but a moment. (and in case that's not clear, I am being sarcastic).

  • biometrics

    My observation is certian brothers / elders (who like to look good) make up these comments to look more intelligent/informed when on stage.

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