As of September 2012,20 branch offices are CLOSING DOWN

by raymond frantz 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Isn't it quite a coincidence that their "simplifying things to concentrate on the Ministry" is taking place during the worst global economy since the Great Depression?

    So this had nothing to do with $50 gas, plummeting property values and a turbulent stock market? It was all "Jehovah's Wisdom."

  • Gayle

    2012 service report showed 98 branches..the list above shows only 91?? maybe not 'all' branches are listed there,,or, ??

  • cobaltcupcake

    Irondork - My thoughts exactly! LOL!!!

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    The German version of the website reports closing ' in excess of' 25 branch offices worldwide

    as of October 1, 2012.

  • Emery

    I believe technology has played a major part in the closing of these branch offices. iPads, iPhones and other technology are being heavily utilized in our information age now. Many people now go online for their information and do not limit themselves to laundry mats or random strangers peddling magazines with an agenda. I am a graphics designer and speak with many publishing companies and the common theme amongst them is that the internet is destroying the printing market. The Watchtower will at some point need/have to compete in enemy territory (the internet) to recruit in due time. I am also sure that the Conti case didn't help them out either.

    I found this on the open charities website, and I hope no active witness worries themselves over the Watchtower's lack of funds.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Don't get too excited, guys.

    They're just consolidating.

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    "8 million employees and growing. There are no layoffs in Jehovah's organization." - Our last circuit assembly

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Those 95 Central American Bethelites who were kicked out of their branches and forced to do full-time field circus under the hot Central American sun must be pissed... As working bethelites, they at least had a sense of dignity and status... Now, they know it will just be a matter of time before that elite status starts to wear off and other JWs start viewing them as needy and burdensome...

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