watchtower does not equal truth. jesus equals truth . welcome!
How to help a friend who has left the truth!!1
by caswinchester 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Send him here. Its best, and people can speak his language. Maybe he stays, maybe he goes, but at least he OWNS whatever decision he makes with open eyes.
stop calling it the truth! its the lie!
Quick suggestion...
Use the "search" function on this site and look up:
successful fade
how to fade successfully
I hope this helps...
If he was my friend I would find out what he thinks about the so called Truth? Does he still think is the truth or is he over it?
I have 2 sisters that where no longer envolved with the JW for many years. They both married non-JWs. Physically they were out but mentally they where still in. People in this cituation torment themselfs because they think that when big A comes they'll die and always think that maybe some day they'll go back.
This forum has tons of resources if that is the case or just ask.
did his parents ever have a life? was he allowed to have ahobby that was not pushed to second place by having to..'get ready for meeting/s'.
did his parents ever have an education?
what does he do fro a living?
and if your family is never going to speak to you again what is the loss? what would they talk about?... the "truth" which means evryone else in the cong or who is going out with who?
Help him reason that he isn't leaving the org, the org has left him.
The teachings he orignally accepted have changed so much that it's now a different religion.
If his parents persist, get them to answer one or two key problem doctrines, not taking 'Wait on Jehovah" as an answer.
Maybe they don't see the problems so cannot understand why he is leaving.
BTW, Welcome Caswinchester!
Jgnat and Black Sheep have the real truth of it.
One approach that is reasonably sound is to make sure he indicates that he was never given a choice about becoming a JW. He is stumbled by the Pedophile issue and the cruelty of shunning. Only the Amish, some Mennonites, the Mormons and Scientology shun. It's more a tool of high control religions who are fearful then a loving Christian position.
Always stay away from issues that lead to a JC if he wants to keep a relationship alive with his parents.