How Many Friends Did You Lose Over This Election?

by JustMeNonJDub 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustMeNonJDub

    I lost one, and I am saddened by it. I may disagree with friends over politics and/or religion, but the only reason I would cut off a friend is if they betrayed me. Anyone else lost friends or cut off friends because of politics or religion?

  • LV101

    No, not personally but have friends this has happened to and it's sad. I know a couple of older gals --- in their late 80's and both of the same party but the one voted differently 4 yrs. ago and the strife began. They do get together in social settings but they've never had to deal with this situation in 40 yrs. before this. They live in the same neighborhood (few blocks apart), involved in the same art, know the same people. The one is very outspoken/controlling w/all their friends and it's a problem.

    Is there enough history you can reconcile and try to appreciate each others viewpoints and put the friendship first regardless. That's what a few of us in my "forever" friends do.

    I received several emails today from my liberal friends and they're so happy and certainly entitled to be.

  • FlyingHighNow

    So sorry to hear that you lost a friend.

    The beauty and joy of having hundreds of "friends" you don't know on facebook: you don't notice when one or some unfriend you. What works sometimes in person, for me, I don't discuss politics or religion with people. I'm quiet and listen, unless asked a question, then I try to think a lot and answer carefully.

  • 144001

    Look at it this way, lose a friend, gain an enemy! Win win!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That's really sad.

    I can't understand why people feel that strongly that they would ditch a friend because of who they voted for.

    I have been to dinner parties where people have 'appeared' to argue bitterly over politics and they were great friends. Maybe it's European culture, I don't know. But most of them at the particular dinner parties I am thinking of had Austrian and European backgrounds.

    Anyway, they relished getting stuck in and debating. An onlooker might think the blood was going to spill soon. But judging by the big hugs at the end of the night I don't think this would ever happen.

    I think it is a sign of immaturity to dump a friend for not voting like you.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    So how long had you and this other person been hanging around together before you realized you were not on the same page of life?

  • rocketman

    It's never easy to lose a friend, but anyone who is willing to alienate over politics is not worth having as a friend anyway. People need to look past that stuff, and if they can't, then maybe you're better off without them.

  • minimus

    If anyone loses a friend here or anywhere over a political difference, what a shame!

    I would think people wouldn't be that shallow.

  • Dune

    I didn't exactly lose any friends, but I stopped talking to my republican friends about politics around August and I stopped IM'ing them around Halloween. Sometime after thanksgiving I'll invite them over for dinner and all should be good :-).

  • james_woods

    Michelle Obama is no longer taking my calls, or even speaking to me.

    I think I am being shunned over that thread that I hate.

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