How Many Friends Did You Lose Over This Election?

by JustMeNonJDub 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Barbra Striesand texted me that I am no longer welcome at her parties.
    She thinks I kill puppies.

    On the plus side, you'll always be welcome at Michael Vick's pad.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Losing friends over this election is lot like losing friends within Da Troof. It's hard to make the case that they were ever your friends in the first place. You were simply tolerated so long as you fit within the parameters of their ideology. The second that changed, they dropped you like the non-friend you were to them in the first place.

  • JustMeNonJDub

    Theocratic Sedition...thanks for that.

  • problemaddict

    I think in the Western world it is a uniquly American thing to actually lose a friend over who you may vote for. How insane does that even sound. You didn't start beating your kids, you didn't take up crack, you haven't joined a cult of kool-aid drinking morons, you haven't started shooting pigeons in the street because it is your inaliable right to do just cast a vote for one person over another to receive a job.

    Didn't sound like much of a friend. You talk politics with the wrong person out here, and its similar to being in from of a Pharisaical elder who just wants you to acquiese.

    Did I mention I can't spell worth a damn?

  • minimus

    It would likewise be "insane" if any poster stopped being your "friend" due to differing views on politics. That would be immature. This is a DB. Nobody hates the person here. (At least I know I don't).

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Looks like I'm about to lose a few over this. ON facebook, a few old friends reared their ugly true selves. I hear Gays referred to as Faggots and Homo's, Blacks leading to the decay of morality. I thought I knew these people. I told them to start calling me a wetback. They will be deleated soon. Shame

  • blindnomore

    I lost the entire Jehovah's Witnesses World and am on the top of the world.

  • mrsjones5

    I have a few friends on Facebook who are republicans. I didn't lose not a one and I haven't dropped any of them.

  • finallysomepride
  • mamochan13

    A truly rich friendship should allow for differences of opinion whether it is religion or politics. If we are only friends with those who agree with us, we never progress.

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