Hell Exists

by breakfast of champions 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    . . .and it's also known as New Jersey.

    Although we now have a generator to heat our house and run the water, we abandonded ship tonight because of the snow/wind, and we're staying with family. My work days run about 14 hours/7 days a week, and then I have school at night two nights a week.


    It's a nightmare out there. Still huge trees down all over, all utilities on the ground, and now snow and wind. You hear sirens and see blinking red and blue lights all the time.

    Blinking yellow lights are good. Those are the power and light trucks from all over the country. Saw and army of trucks from Ohio Edison tonight. Also a national guard convoy.

    Even so, we did not lose our house as did many people, so we're glad for that.

    Hope all are doing well in civilization.


  • braincleaned

    Hang in there -- been there, upstate New York... no power for 3 weeks and trees falling on our houses - totally destroying some.
    My thought for you and yours.

  • 00DAD

    BOC: Even so, we did not lose our house as did many people, so were glad for that.

    You must be on the right side of the tracks in Hell.

    Not trying to make light of your situation--I remember how I felt after surviving a California earthquake a couple of decades back-- at least you're alive. That's a good thing.

    Every day above ground is better than one below it. I'm glad you and your family are safe and have a place to get warm. Hang in there!


  • blondie

    BOC, wow! We have blizzards and tornados, but have always had power. We had a tornado in the backyard once but it went the other way over the fields. I would think quite a few jws in the are missing the meetings. It's good to have family to stay with.

  • perfect1

    Ive been thinking of you all as the snow falls. Stay warm, stay safe.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    BOC, I had no idea you were in the east! Glad to know you're fine, and there's family close by to keep safe and warm

    Hoping your necessities of get squared away asap

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm sorry to hear things are still so bad there. Hope it is all back to normal as they possibly can be.

  • Vidiot
    breakfast of champions - "Hell exists... and it's also known as New Jersey."

    Dude, seriously.

    Have you never seen Jersey Shore?

    We already knew.

  • LouBelle

    You're safe and you're alive!

    I have absolutely no idea of horrid natural disasters - live in a very stable part of the world!

    Slowly but surely things will start coming together and power etc will be back on. Try stay warm.

  • MrFreeze

    If you have any JW literature lying around you can burn it to stay warm.

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