If the Borg has the Truth what are they worried about?

by Sour Grapes 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    JW's will of course argue that they have the Truth.

    If that be the case, why are they terrified to talk to

    people or visit sights that expose their beliefs?

    If someone speaks the truth there should be nothing

    to fear with a thorough examination unless there

    is a fly in the ointment.

    This reminds me of something else that was an unwritten

    law when I was an elder. Never ever ever make a sheparding

    call on a sister without having another elder with you because

    9 times out of 10 you would end up having sex with her.

    So our fear and love of God was so strong, however just being in a room

    by yourself with a Sister and down comes the pants and the dirty

    deed is done. What will power we did not have.

    Sour Grapes

  • sd-7

    I noticed this point even as a true believer. So much of the direction given was based in fear, fear that we would do something wrong or be 'deceived'. But, take knowing the earth is round, for instance. I mean, no matter what you read, you can't unlearn the fact that the earth is round. But apparently, one visit to an 'unauthorized' website, and boom! Decades of 'Bible truths' erased in a few minutes' time!

    Well, two things. One, JWs don't think very highly of their own people and two, they don't think highly of their own minds, either. There's nothing but unbridled sex and apostate thinking just waiting to be let out of every JW on earth. What a spiritual paradise, huh?


  • finallysomepride

    thtat's what i always thought,

    if it's the truth I would be protected or shielded from any corruption that i would come upon in the world.........so much BS

    This reminds me of something else that was an unwritten

    law when I was an elder. Never ever ever make a sheparding

    call on a sister without having another elder with you because

    9 times out of 10 you would end up having sex with her.

    So our fear and love of God was so strong, however just being in a room

    by yourself with a Sister and down comes the pants and the dirty

    deed is done. What will power we did not have.

    They didn't have much faith in the members did they, hearing those sort of rules always made me laugh



    The Elder's think very little of the flock. They may not even realize it, but it is true. The Organization is a top-down hierarchy, so Elders imitate the C.O who imitate the D.O who imitate the GB. The lack of confidence and the condescending attitude comes from the GB. I was told in a meeting that if I don't get the national average in service that I am not " leading " the sheep. Also this illustration was given. If a shepherd places an obstacle in front of the sheep pen the sheep must jump it to get out. If the first 30 sheep jump over the bar and then you remove the bar, the sheep will keep jumping even when the obstacle is removed! The point of this " beautiful " illustration was that the sheep ( anyone not an Elder or above-remember the Elders are " Shepherds") will not do anything if the example is not in front of them. Also, exceptions cannot be made for brothers to be recommended for MS if they are not " leading " the sheep. If a sheep sees brother so and so appointed and he gets 1 hour below the national average then the sheep will rebel. The sheeple do not love God enough to do their best without constant prodding and they are looking for any excuse to slack off. Jesus is pissed off right now. I would hate to be one of the GB.

  • biometrics

    They're worried that people will discover the truth about 'the truth'.

  • atrapado

    JW thinking: Well if you have the Truth there is no need to listen to anything else. Apostates use twisted logic and lies. Why waste your time you know they are wrong. And fear that Satan will fool them.

    From early age I assume apostates used logical paradoxes as their strogest weapon. Like if God is almighty can he make stone big enough he cannot lift. Besides is hard to break the hypnosis. You hear over and over the same crap you believe it, you cannot prove it to yourself but you believe it. For example the love in the organization. I really believed that the loved in the congregations was a key sign we had the truth. And when there was no love in my congregations I assume it was just a local thing. From 5 congregations I was envolved I can only see I saw real love in 1. And even that love was conditional.

  • Ding

    The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, 1968, (this used to be the WTS' primary book for new studies), p. 13:

    "Since we do not want our worship to be in vain, it is important for each one of us to examine his religion. We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God's Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination."

  • atrapado

    Ding you are taking that quote out of context. You see it only applies to other religions individuals that are not JW. It doesn't apply to JWs because they already did their research and convinced themselfs that they have the truth.

    That is what an elder told me. Talk about double standard.

  • unstopableravens

    ding thanks i was going to write exactly what you wrote at least you saved me a few mins of typing

  • jwfacts

    I always thought that, even as a JW. It caused the following paradox:

    Jehovah is so strong that he can find the sheep and bring them into the organisation prior to Armageddon, wherever they may be


    Satan is so strong that he can overcome the sheep within the organisation and make them leave.

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