Would you have not taken a blood transfusion or a transplant because the GB said it was bad?
Would you have imitated the JWs in concentration camps and died for your beliefs?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
Would you have not taken a blood transfusion or a transplant because the GB said it was bad?
Would you have imitated the JWs in concentration camps and died for your beliefs?
Nope. Not even at my most faithful. I may have been able to refuse blood, but that's about it. I always felt a sense of shame whenever I would hear stories of those who did die for the faith, because I knew that I would never be able to do that. If the time came I knew I would simply convince myself that god would forgive me. It worked for Peter, after all.
Keyser, you're honestly funny!
well.....i lived in terror of the concentration camp thing having had a great-uncle and his wife who survived it....i developed a massive panic anxiety disorder and if circumstances did not evolve the way they did i would have been dead long ago (slowly suicidal, anorexic, which sufficiently damaged me so that at this time in life i have a couple rather serious issues) thankfully a wonderful man came into my life and saved me.
my first response on a personal gut level to organ transplants was extreme squeamishness. it did seem cannibalistic to me, but gradually i came to realize that every seven years or so our cells have completely morphed into different ones, and that if the transplant is accepted, it becomes part of the individual.
blood, i really always avoided thinking about it too much. early on in life it was just taboo, like so many other things, and as a child growing up was not big in my mind. in early adulthood you feel invincible, and i was always in excellent health so really didn't think much about it. of all the people i knew who refused blood for surgeries, they all came out just fine, so again i felt no big deal. as they developed the liaison committees and got more involved in trying to prove the medical superiority of the position, frankly it got rather tedious. i always had the feeling that science was being cherry-picked to match dogma. at this point in life i truly believe that medical technological and scientific discoveries and progress are to the betterment of humanity and i appreciate the fact that so many diseases that were killers are now little glitches. even growing up - polio was such a devastating problem - and now it is virtually unheard of. if i come into a situation where the medical community believes that blood is the answer, then so be it.
Yes I would have, I believed it was THE truth. I was no more indoctrinated than an extremist terrorist muslim.
Yes. And sadly, I would have let my loved ones die as well. Perhaps even including my children. Today: Not a chance.
When I had my ulcer operation. I had a BIG SIGN over my bed. NO BLOOD!!!!
Dr Palmer of MONTREAL. Said " as I went under. "GRACE YOU COULD DIE" I said
"Well if it is Jehovahs Will so be it...."
Guess, Jehovah didnt want me then, & Seems I aint kicking the bucket yet, NOBODY wants me.
Yes.....I was quite prepared to die for the TRUTH. When you are brought up within it you are made aware of the sacrifices that some have made in prisons, camps and hosptals . These people are held up as heroes. Even now I respect their courage. the shame of living with failure and being branded a coward would be worse.
You are brought up to be a "soldier for Jesus and Jehovah" and as such you have to be prepared to make the "ultimate sacrifice", after all it is not going to be a permanent death. One believes totally that you are just sleeping until the ressurrection, then eternal life in paradise will be yours. Put like that , it is a good deal - or would be if it were true.
In reality it is the same story that every nation has told its warriors . "You die a noble death and will be rewarded"......As Dylan once said
"You don't count the dead boys, when Gods on your side"
Would you have not taken a blood transfusion- at age 15 yes now no.
Would you have imitated the JWs in concentration camps - Not for the witness's but for moral or principal reasons yes.