As A JW You Never Have Time To Smell The Roses

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Typically, on a Saturday afternoon, you'd just be coming home from service, and then mowing the lawn, (KH's or your own), spend some time with the family, and get everyone ready the night before for the Sunday meetings and service to follow.

    I'm getting tired just thinking of it!

  • Hope4Others

    I have any time hardly now for just relax time it seems. I have no idea how I did the meetings, 3 kids and regular pioneering so many years ago.

  • minimus

    drugs & alcohol

  • Hope4Others


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    gosh that was a breakneck schedule back then.

  • minimus

    AND we were often STILL considered slackers!

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I just got back from field service and right before I walked to my car to leave, a car group full of brothers and sisters pulled up. From the back someone called my name. The car had tinted windows so couldnt see who. The driver yelled out to me who it was said they wanted to know if I can work with the tomorrow after the meeting. I'm like, "damn." Anymore I prefer the work week over the JW weekend.

    It all is a bit much at times, and the WT uses their articles like a bullhorn with a 12" subwoofer going, "MORE, MORE, MORE!"

  • minimus

    TS, just say, no.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    There was very little support in the cong. It was always one letter, or article, or talk about doing more. I remember in my congregtion, how we were judges as lacking and materialistic if we didn't live in near poverty with the husband working, and the wife pioneering.

    I missed out on ten years of life. My youth was literally stolen

  • wasblind


    Was a song sung by the late Andrea true, shoulda been the title of a kingdom melody

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