Answer = investing and buying real estate for expansion of the organization's operations. ( world wide )
Those were the hay days of growth for the WTS., all literature back then had a set price for members as well the public.
To be truthful, Fred Franz who was mostly behind 1975, knew it was imposable to accurately chronologically date mankind's
existence of 6000 years to October of 1975, but it was perceived by him and Knorr as a viable marketing scheme for the organization
and by golly they were right.
Your right though Scott, there were a lot of people who self proclaimed they were going to wait until
this system ends to get married and have kids, many teenagers dropped out of high school etc., people dropped their employment to go pioneer.
And most went knocking on people's doors with F. Franz's bullshit in their hands offering it to the public.
By the way, after personally seeing all of this, I started to create some questioning doubts about what I had been taught since childhood.