A letter from a College Dropout

by Ethos 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • perfect1

    under the radar:


    you really think you are the genius who figured this out and every other poster missed the point

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Sure seemed like one or two did...

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Obviously Marvin has never been to university. Whatever's in the textbook is on the test. You will fail the class if you fail the tests. Arguing with the professor about something wrong in his textbook will get you nowhere.”

    No one has suggested arguing with a professor (though that is typically relished by those geeks!). That is your strawman.

    What I spoke of is TESTING and DEMONSTRATION.

    Moreover, if YOU had any bona fide exposure to a legitimate secular university of higher education then you’d know that NO academic TEST is evaluated based on your personal BELIEF.

    Regardless, it’s one thing to accurately express on a test whatever is the textbook answer. It’s something else altogether to hold personal belief. One can do the former without impinging the latter.

    And, by the way, “obviously” is a word that should be used very, very sparingly.

    Marvin Shilmer


  • perfect1

    Ok ethos:

    Dear, the cult has prevented you from ever seeking any higher education, so let me explain a few things.

    Classes and tests are not made of memorizing material and parroting it back. Unless you are going to become a doctor and then you damn well better know the names of all the bones of the body. Anatomy and physiology require huge amounts of memorization. Sit in on a college course and you will see it is nothing like a WT meeting, one of which has the arrogance to call itself a SCHOOL.

    Actually, a good number of college classes require YOU to THINK FOR YOURSELF and make an original, coherent argument after analyzing material. The argument does not have to agree with the point of the view of the professor, or the text, so long as it is logical.

    Even a college entrance exam has an essay component. These are Qualitative rather than Quantitive assessments, there is no right answer.

    Also, attending any university is often a preparation to PRACTICE something- law, medicine, nursing, accounting, building etc. You have to learn the rules of your profession in order to practice it properly.

    I understand how scientific knowledge progresses., do you understand how NEW LIGHT is updated.

  • snare&racket

    Jesus christ on a moped

    What do i say.....ironically... Go buy some textbooks, see how embarassing your thread is....

    jesus christ on a space hopper...

    snare x

  • Xanthippe

    And the GB have never claimed to have any special ability.

    Isn't knowing what Jehovah God thinks special?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    SMH and lmao at anyone who read the opening post.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Sure seemed like one or two did...

    maybe those one or two read some of his other posts?


    context is a beautiful thing...

  • NeverKnew

    "Arguing with the professor about something wrong in his textbook will get you nowhere.”

    With 7 years of college under my belt in Engineering and Business with a some Legal studies under my belt, I think I can speak from experience (as can others on this board). The use of the word "arguing" tells me a lot about you. Good schools (elementary to university levels) do not teach students what to think; they teach them how to think. Debating from many different angles is respected and encouraged.

    Do you believe the WT is inviting you to think outside the textbook?

  • out4good3

    I just havve to say that, being halfway through a masters program, that I have never actually "argued' with an instructor or classmate. I've had disagreements intellectually and certainly a bunch of debates, but never an argument.

    Very unlike the numerous arguments I've had with thick headed JWs.

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