As a Watchtower Reader on Sunday, did you ever have to use the bathroom?

by sd-7 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    wha happen: I swear on my life, after this brother went to the bathroom and took a dump, the entire Kingdom Hall stunk worse than a skunk.

    I have no idea what this man ate (too old for gastric-bypass surgery) but the Kingdom Hall smelled like death. People were caughing and mothers took their kids out, you had to have been there.

    Let me clarify the "gastric bypass surgery" remark, we had two sister go in for this procedure, something causes the food to become partial disgested and this create's a stench that far exceeeds normal pooh-pooh or farts, it's very sick "miasma??" when your packed like a sardine with these two sisters with IBS. :)

    Using the urinal with wireless microphones turned on, that's priceless too "Someone needs their prostate examined (ouch, no fun!) the old sister whispered in my ear, I busted my gut!"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    oh man I'm dying here

  • sd-7

    That one guy must be responsible for why those old Assembly Hall bathrooms smelled so bad all the it all makes sense!


  • undercover

    I fell asleep one time when I was the WT reader. Had a bit of a hangover and it was stuffy and warm in the hall. And, of course, WT studies are dull affairs to begin with. About half way through, I nodded off. I woke to everyone laughing because the conductor couldn't get my attention to read the next paragraph.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Ironically, in the final DC I attended, I just had to crap. I destroyed that bathroom. I could hear people walk in, take a few steps, then run out. Then I would start laughing and the pressure caused more to come out. When I finally finished, I felt quite relieved and walked out to see a line waiting. I smiled and said, I've been waiting years to get that out.

    I never attended a DC again

  • undercover

    All those years of taking in shit finally had to reverse itself in one nuclear explosion...

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I sported a chub one time when i was giving the Sunday talk.

    The public talk usually had the opposite effect on me. I was impotent for days after hearing it.

  • ziddina

    You mean, use the bathroom while I was studying my Watchtower??

    All the time, man, all the time...

  • MC RubberMallet
  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    This was a snapshot of me doing the mics...

    I didn't appreciate being talked to by the elders. Stiff necked butt cheek haters!

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