Faith... and Trust: The Same Things?

by AGuest 452 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest

    (Shaking head) I am beginning to think you simply just cannot help yourself. I am truly sorry for that...

    A slave of Christ,


  • Etude

    I don't know. It sounds like there's a lot of mental masturbation going on here. I don't see how it's possible to discuss a topic without solidly defining the terms. What is faith, really? The topic has been discussed interestingly and ad nauseam in this site. Here are two:

    Can we look at FAITH in a more practical way?

    can spirituality replace religion?

  • AGuest

    One man's trash, dear Etude (peace to you!)... one man's trash...

    A slave of Christ,


  • Lozhasleft

    Cofty, why instead of pursing a line of questioning and an interchange of thinking, why, after contributing to a thread about a truce, would you post this:

    " Of course nobody has met a real christian until they encounter Shelby the humble slave and servant whose feet is washed by Seraphs."

    I do hope your fellow atheists are going to step in and mention that you're provoking and not even trying to stay fair?

    Loz x

  • cofty
    Cofty, why instead of pursing a line of questioning and an interchange of thinking, why, after contributing to a thread about a truce, would you post this...Loz
    Of course nobody has met a real christian until they encounter Shelby the humble slave and servant whose feet is washed by Seraphs." - Me

    Please consider the context Loz.

    I mixed with many people who made the same claims during the years I was a Christian. - Me
    What people, C? People at your church? Forgive me, but if that's the case, then I understand your skepticism - Shelby

    Without knowing a single thing about the people I worshipped with for almost a decade, knowing nothing about their faith or love or devotion Shelby blithely dismises them all at a stroke because they were members of a church.

    In doing so she trashes the genuiness of the faith of every other believer on this board and her own board if they too are members of a church.

    Her ego is staggering - My comment was not a light-hearted insult it was a serious observation on Shelby's self-image

  • Lozhasleft

    It was most definitely insulting. You were harking back to issues on a thread which has been deleted because of the bullying on it for a start. You were using sarcasm and satire in an insulting way to aggravate. You have manged to elucidate your motives clearly enough to me here, so why couldn't you have addressed Shelby the same way. It's easy stuff, watch:

    " Shelby you've asked me about my Christian fellowship in what I feel to be a derogatory style. I would prefer that you didn't make assumptions about that fellowship. Your tone suggests a dismissal of them which I really don't find acceptable. I invite your responses."

    See? For someone with your intelligence and intellect there is no excuse. It is just so sad to watch this repeating over and over again. As I've posted elsewhere, if you find Shelby's style or content unpalatable, and you don't choose to ignore her threads, it doesn't give you licence to be rude and insulting.

    Loz x

  • cofty

    I am me Loz - you are you. You are nice and polite all the time. I'm not.

    I don't see perpetual niceness in the face of insults to be a virtue but thanks for the suggestions.

  • bohm

    How good of aguest to deliver sermons to the flock!

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with...

    This truly is meat in due season!

  • sabastious

    How is the term "mental masturbation" not offensive?

    Mental Masturbation: Engaging in intellectually stimulating conversation with little or no practical purpose.

    I simply despise the term. What seems to be a mind stimulation is when one makes an attempt to assess the practical use of a discussion they are not really part of. Now that's mental masturbation. What's the use?


  • bohm


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