A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?

by palmtree67 699 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Uhm----That metaphor is totally lost to me. LOL Didn't understand a word.

    LOL; I've also created some bad metaphors, but I did get this one.

    Open a thread obviously about faith (or go to a place that allows faith to be expressed), and you cannot complain when you find that 'faith' is being served for dinner.

    (did that help?)



  • NewChapter


    But I'm getting tired. Shouldn't do that to me when I'm tired!

  • palmtree67
    Open a thread obviously about faith (or go to a place that allows faith to be expressed), and you cannot complain when you find that 'faith' is being served for dinner.

    I think that's a bit of a st.....re....t....ch.......

    But kudos on your loyalty to your friend.

  • tec

    I think it is spot on (perhaps not exact, but pretty close). But she can confirm that for herself, if she feels like coming back to this thread.

    It has more to do with understanding, than loyalty to a friend.



  • AGuest

    Not a stretch, at all, dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you!) - you were spot/dead on.

    Dear Palm... peace to you, as well... and really, girl? I am SO confused as to you these days. I tried to get this thread back on track and in proper perspective and consideration of what you're trying to do (or I thought you were trying to do)... and OFF "AGuest". That is not my name... and you know this. You DO realize that repeating my entire thread actually ADDED another 9 times where "AGuest" is stated? You DO realize that, right?

    What is UP with you? Did our PM'ing NOT resolve things? I mean, I took you at your word that it had. What is UP with this??

    (Shaking head even harder now...)


    A slave of Christ,


  • palmtree67
    Dear Palm... peace to you, as well... and really, girl? I am SO confused as to you these days. I tried to get this thread back on track and in proper perspective and consideration of what you're trying to do (or I thought you were trying to do)... and OFF "AGuest". That is not my name... and you know this. You DO realize that repeating my entire thread actually ADDED another 9 times where "AGuest" is stated? You DO realize that, right?
    What is UP with you? Did our PM'ing NOT resolve things? I mean, I took you at your word that it had. What is UP with this??


    You made a post referring to yourself 9 nine times, while complaining that the thread had become about you.

    Even you have to admit that's ironic!

  • soft+gentle

    besty this was my response to qcmbr (below) therefore the burden of proof isn't with me to provide an example of 'the same' universal being arising separately.

    Me: qcmbr, please don't say never as you have done

    qcmbr said: Isolated cultures never give rise to the same supposed universal beings simply due to statistical improbability and different starting ideas

    Me: if you do then you need to supply proof. I don't think you can, simply because what you are suggesting is still being debated. So yes I agree with tactic 4 but I am applying it to your post. However I say this in the interest of engaging with and respecting your post rather than thinking of you as stupid or nuts and would like to think that you acknowledge this. (edit I don't expect you to be glad though)

  • palmtree67
    AGuest: What is UP with you? Did our PM'ing NOT resolve things? I mean, I took you at your word that it had. What is UP with this??

    Either you completely misunderstood my last PM to you (which received no reply), or else you are deliberately misrepresenting me.

    I clearly told you that although I don't esteem your words as some others here do, I wasn't your "enemy".

    If you can't laugh at your own post where you refer to yourself 9 times while complaining that the attention is always on YOU, then fine.

    I thought it was funny.

    I still do, and I'm not going to apologise for laughing at you.

  • palmtree67

    Soft and Gentle is lost.....is there an usher here that can help?

  • AGuest
    I thought it was funny

    Sorry (and again, peace to you!), but that you thought it was funny (as in ha-ha), really didn't come through. It is an Internet board, though, so that's understandable.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who didn't misunderstand... or respond to your last PM as there wasn't anything left to say - based on your comments, I considered the matter resolved and us "okay." Just tried to give you the last word, is all...

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