The Final Solution.. to the Anointed question.

by cyberjesus 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • whathappened

    Bumping this interesting thread.

  • Vidiot
    cyberjesus - "...they started a campaign of libel against the very same members of the once ruling Anointed class.. they claimed insanity of the majority of the new ones... by putting it in writting they created doubt within the Great Crowd... now they can asest the last blow on the Anointed problem by removing their FDS status from them... by keeping the FDS status they gain control of the the great crowd... they put an end to the many letters from the anointed and their opinion... they also control the source of information... they got rid of their infamous 144,000 number and its increased growth... they got rid of the mathematical equation that would prove their doctrine insane... they regained control of the emergency situation in which they find themselves in."

    Sums it up pretty concisely.

    Gotta admit, it's pretty Machiavellian, too.

  • prologos

    cyberJ: great treatment, but at the root of every contorted story such as the "annointed" is the first flawed step. not reading the bible right.

    1) only anointed should eat and drink emblems: wrong!!! the apostles when served w&B by Jesus were believeres in an earthly hope: read all the context.

    2) Since all Christians should partake, are commanded to partake, to tell anyone not to partake contradicts Jesus as quoted in John chapter 6.

    3) the count of partakers is only a measure of adherence to wrong premises and clearly has nothing to do with who will rule the universe.

    4) the counters and counted do not even recognize the 12 tribes, the true Israelites mentioned in Rev.7.

    the final solution will be dissolution end of the illusion. blessings.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    that was so dead on its sick.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think the icing on the cake would be to include a WT article next to each point.

  • cyberjesus

    I think the icing on the cake would be to include a WT article next to each point.

    I know but I dont read their propaganda anymore....

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    any takers out there for a bit of a project?

  • cyberjesus

    They just got rid of the Anointed... soon they will also bury the infamous 144k number. In 20 years that would be only a rumor like Beth Sarin or like any old doctrine.

    The JWs in 25 years are going to be a whole different cult than the one we had only 25 years ago.

    The survivors will get to re-write their own history.

  • kurtbethel

    By adjusting the Anointed doctrine in this fashion, they created a new problem. Since an anointed person is suspect of being mentally unbalanced, this can also include one or more, even all of the members of the governing body. From now on there will always be suspicion that any pronouncement or statement made by a member of the governing body is the delusional ranting of a mental patient. Come on, watch a talk by Stephen Lett, or David Splane and try to convince yourself that you are not watching a fruity nutty bar.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    JWN has brought the fastest growing segment of the Organization (the annointed-Little Flock) and discussed the related problems this doctrine presents to the Governing Body. I know Blondie and other members had asked how the Governing Body would attempt to discredit this problem.

    Randy Waters with his scoop three months ago predicted something big coming down the Pike. His source was right on, the outward dismissal of faithful annointed ones are no longer "Slaves of Jesus Christ helping prepare food for the domestics".

    The waterdown version of the Watchtower and Awake (Dumbing down badly, Spiritual Mush) are proof the pool of educated JWs is falling off a cliff. I pity many of the home schooled JW kids whose parents never spent a hour helping them get their grades past a C. Many can barely read at the Kingdom Hall, do basic addition and the COs use these kids as examples of perfect children! What a sham!

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