Thanks jwfacts. I appreciate your polite comments regarding my post. I also appreciate your site. It was the second site (and the main one) that opened my eyes (the first one being
@ blacksheep: I have verified everything I read on "apostate" website. I remember telling a non-baptized but raised JW friend that "I will only look at WT material I can verify on my own. Scans can be messed with". I was scared of the possibility of photoshop (I don't blame myself - just skeptical). I started collecting old bound volumes, brochures, books, etc. Now I can verify everything!
Some JWs are WAY to gullible and believe everything they read online, often times because they are pissed about something in the ORG. Luckily, my parents encouraged me to get a college degree. With graduate degree under my belt, I have learned, in schoo,l HOW to research. That is the best thing college taught me - independent though process and research methods!