Hello all u evil apostates! Jehovah's gonna kill the whole lot of ya lol j/k. So i haven't been on here for about 3yrs. When ya find out the JWs and the Bible is a bunch of baloney there isnt much more to learn about. But about a month ago my mom decided to put her gorgeous house she has lived in for over 23yrs up for sale and move in with my sister (who is also a JW). This is such a shock to me knowing my mom has been very independent all her life even after my father passed away in 08. I want to ask my sister is there some type of new light on end times prophecy (since my last meeting in 2008) that is "encouraging" my mom to do this. I can still communicate with them but they are uber defensive about the "Truth." Thanks!
My mom's selling her house. New Light?
by DubR 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
St George of England
The latest thinking (this morning's WT study) is that the end will come 'soon'!
Ah thanks St George! I feared she got this idea from them in some recent article. I will try to research what the article they are studying is telling her just to get an idea of how mislead she is.
Calebs Airplane
There could be something more recent, but the latest fear-mongering that I know of was the Special Talk following the Memorial this year. I believe the title was "Is it later than you think?" ... It appears Armageddon is just around the corner (again)... But this talk was really just a sales pitch to get all the "Inactives" back into the fold as soon as possible before Jehovah closes this short window of opportunity... Same sh*t regurgitated every 3 or 4 years for the past 130 years...
They have been asking for loans from the r&f. Maybe that has something to do w it.
I hope she is not giving your inheritance to the org. As they will play the poor mouth pretty soon as they continue to look for cash for law suits and their ongoing "fire" sale of property in NY to move to their new location.
Wow, im very worried about losing some of my inheritance to this company. smh thanks for the replies guys, l8r!
The real question, which you didn't address in your OP, is what does she intend to do with the proceeds from the sale of her house?
BTW, at the risk of stating the obvious, you're re-introduction to this forum lacked a certain finesse.
I've seen many an inheritence go to the Watchtower. I know for a fact my mum gave all the insurance money from dad's death to the Organisation. She then lived in poverty for years while raising 3 kids on her own.
You need to get to the bottom of this fast. It is still the same thing they have been sating for 130 years...we are DEEP into the time of the end. They have Jehovah's spirit telling them to tell us so.