Hey everyone. My mom, sis, and lil nephew visited me today (havent seen em since April of this year. It was a fun visit also. But yea I got a chance to flat out ask if her decision was moved by some sort of new light. They lol and said oh no of course not, in fact the study today was about not jumping to conclusions about arm a get done lol. Someone stated my real question was about inheritance. That is/was not my focus, it is as I stated earlier. I wanted to know if some new light moved my mom to sale her house and live with my sis. Inheritance is something I haven't thought about until a helpful fellow mentioned it. But I do know my mom has donated $20 per week for over 30yrs so im sure she plans to give some % to Jehovah! lol Also someone said my re-introduction lacked finesse. I have no idea if he was being sarcastic but I didn't get it. Thank you again everyone that commented and Happy Holidays!