Looks like I have officially disassociated myself

by Berengaria 85 Replies latest members private

  • cofty

    Take care Beks.

  • AGuest
    Let somebody else fix the dinner.

    Oh, if only some of you monkey/male posters understood (peace to you, both, dear JW and Monkey-Man): WE ARE WIMMEN! Unlike YOU wimps, we can have a cold AND clean the house AND feed the kids AND still give you a little tickle-and-slap... all within the same 12-hour period! We can paint one room... while doing laundry in another... while baking a chicken in another... while posting online... on 3-5 different threads... on 2-4 different forums... WHILE watching the news!! We are STRONG! We are MULTI-TASKERS! And we don't let a little setback like losing blood... by the pint, let alone the kitchen knife severe... hold us back!

    That turkey dinner don't know what it's got comin'! Dear Beks will whip it out... and its consumers will NEVER know that she might'a almost wasn't even able to be there!

    Of course, all of this is moot if dear Beks does decide to take it easy... which she is certainly more than entitled to... and order in KFC (where's OUTLAW - peace, bruther!). I mean, turkey tastes "just like" chikken, don't it? So who will know? Order some mashed potatoes and gravy... tell your guests you "forgot to make" the stuffing... open a can of cranberry sauce... and voila! Thxgiving din-din!

    I'm with the guys, on this, dear Bek - take it easy if you can. There's always next year...


    SA, tongue in cheek... on her own...

  • Berengaria

    Yea, it's gonna be tough. But I'm going to sit in a chair and tell them how to do it my way.

    Shirley and Shelby, I am to take 972 mg Ferrous Gluconate a day for the next month.

  • shamus100

    Now that's better, Beks. :D You frigging tell them. :)

  • undercover

    Hope everything turns out ok.

    Did you check to make sure that conservative Republican blood was not used? Using the WTS theory on personality change from heart transplants, you could become a different person altogether. If you feel the need to agree with Rush Limbaugh, please seek medical attention immediately.

  • AGuest
    I'm going to sit in a chair and tell them how to do it my way

    Then there's that, yes - bossin' other folks around... which we're good at, too - LOLOLOLOL!

    I am to take 972 mg Ferrous Gluconate a day for the next month.

    Yes, well, your doctor also gave you a prescription for some Colace ® , too, right? 'Cause you're gonna need a LOT of that, too, luv - LOLOLOL!

    Peace and, again, be well!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, on her own...

  • Scott77


  • Glander

    Stay away from magnets.

  • palmtree67
  • Berengaria
    Did you check to make sure that conservative Republican blood was not used? Using the WTS theory on personality change from heart transplants, you could become a different person altogether. If you feel the need to agree with Rush Limbaugh, please seek medical attention immediately

    Hehe UC, that was my biggest fear!

    Yes, well, your doctor also gave you a prescription for some Colace ® , too, right? 'Cause you're gonna need a LOT of that, too, luv - LOLOLOL!

    No shit Shelby! I mean er.............

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