Regarding bibles-I received one at a local county fair, there were people just handing them out...I was also approached, ironically enough, while sitting in my car at the grocery store, by a woman who was handing out bibles and literature. She saw me glance at her, making eye contact and offering a smile, and she decided to offer me her literature and bible. She seemed very nice, and I'm sure I looked like every 'householder' ever encountered who was too nice to refuse what we were offering in FS, lol!
FREE Home Bible Study?!?!?
by Christ Alone 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
**** Can we start a petition to allow Ethos 100 posts a day? I have a huge allowance, I would be willing to share. I never was restricted to begin with.***
Ethos seems to be aware that his comment total would be increased, but I thought he said he was a noob. I'm a noob and I was Very surprised when I went from 10 to 100.... Just Sayin ....