I needed a prescription renewed and found out my old doc retired...met my new doc and took this opportunity to update my medical record...removed the no blood transfusion clause from my file. I told the doctor that inconsistencies within my church's doctrines made it impossible for me to put my life at risk for no valid reason. After throwing out my medical directive card, amending my medical record is another step toward totally breaking free from the cult. Still, at first I hesitated briefly and was concerned because there is a JW nurse working at this clinic...but now I feel at peace with my decision.
Meeting with my family doctor...
by NVR2L8 23 Replies latest jw friends
Great decision!
I remember the article encouraging JW employees to rat out confidential information - an absolute disgrace! Hopefully the JW nurse won't check the records - or at least show enough sense to keep her job.
I hesitated briefly and was concerned because there is a JW nurse working at this clinic.
Yes indeedy, I could see how that could cause a person some trouble if that nurse is willing to compromise confidentiality. If that were to happen, personally I would deny deny deny and make him/her show her face and get it documented by recording or secret video. They I'd sur her and the doctor. That would make the medical community and the insurance companies sit up and take notice.
Your confidentiality is protected by the HIPAA law.
When I changed doctors earlier this year I had to sign an agreement who can see my medicel records. Only my wife and three sons are allowed.
If in doubt speak to your doctor, that's what I would do.
Did you warn the doctor that jws are encouraged to breach confidentiality?
You know what I think of your decision
That's a big one! Good on ya.
I was 'out' for over 20 years, and happy that when I was in the situation where the choice had to be made, I was out of it and my partner had to sign the papers. Luckily, I made it through without needing blood (because transfusions are not desirable to anyone if unnecessary), but still, the programming kicked in.
Congrats, on making a life-changing, and maybe a life-saving (hope you're never in that sitch, though) decision.
wanna be truely free register as a donor. i dont give blood cuz i hate needles but if im a vegitable, save some one who has a chance. the athiest samaritan. beat that you god wankers. id even let you have an organ..... THIS ONE (im pointing at my junk). lol
I can't donate blood, but am on the Bone Marrow registry. :D
tal, registry for marrow or to donate to a match?