Meeting with my family doctor...

by NVR2L8 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • NVR2L8

    As our dear Oompa I ride a motorcycle and I recalled how his life was saved by a blood transfusion...sadly he felt that life as a pariah was not worth living...but that's a whole different subject...

  • wallsofjericho

    anyone in that dr.s office can view your records. odds are she will know within a few months. confidentiality is one thing yes, but that does not mean she won't snoop for herself. ask your doctor about monitoring your info, i beleive they can see anyone internally that has viewed your file. if a staff member has viewed it without cause they can identify it. at least I know they can in my dr.s office

  • DesirousOfChange

    Your confidentiality is protected by the HIPAA law.

    There is nothing that prevents employees of the doctor's office or medical center from snooping through the medical files of patients. Consider the WT article below that discusses a JW medical assistant who discovers a JW patient has had an abortion. What do you think the WTS is saying here?

    * ** WT 1987, Sept 1st p. 12 “A Time to Speak”—When?" ***

    MARY works as a medical assistant at a hospital. One requirement she has to abide by in her work is confidentiality. She must keep documents and information pertaining to her work from going to unauthorized persons. Law codes in her state also regulate the disclosure of confidential information on patients.

    One day Mary faced a dilemma. In processing medical records, she came upon information indicating that a patient, a fellow Christian, had submitted to an abortion. Did she have a Scriptural responsibility to expose this information to elders in the congregation, even though it might lead to her losing her job, to her being sued, or to her employer’s having legal problems? Or would Proverbs 11:13 justify keeping the matter concealed? This reads: “The one walking about as a slanderer is uncovering confidential talk, but the one faithful in spirit is covering over a matter.”—Compare Proverbs 25:9, 10.

    Situations like this are faced by Jehovah’s Witnesses from time to time. Like Mary, they become acutely aware of what King Solomon observed: “For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: . . . a time to keep quiet and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7) Was this the time for Mary to keep quiet, or was it the time to speak about what she had learned?

    Circumstances can vary greatly. Hence, it would be impossible to set forth a standard procedure to be followed in every case, as if everyone should handle matters the way Mary did. Indeed, each Christian, if ever faced with a situation of this nature, must be prepared to weigh all the factors involved and reach a decision that takes into consideration Bible principles as well as any legal implications and that will leave him or her with a clear conscience before Jehovah. (1 Timothy 1:5, 19) When sins are minor and due to human imperfection, the principle applies: “Love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) But when there seems to be serious wrongdoing, should a loyal Christian out of love of God and his fellow Christian reveal what he knows so that the apparent sinner can receive help and the congregation’s purity be preserved?

    Mary was somewhat apprehensive about the legal aspects but felt that in this situation Bible principles should carry more weight than the requirement that she protect the privacy of the medical records. Surely the sister would not want to become resentful and try to retaliate by making trouble for her, she reasoned. So when Mary analyzed all the facts available to her, she decided conscientiously that this was a time to “speak,” not to “keep quiet.”

    Scary, huh?


  • NVR2L8

    For the sake of my family that is still in I decided to fade so I would prefer not being called out on this issue.

  • Chariklo

    Well done!

    first thing I did when I walked was alter my instructions about blood.

    And buy some black pudding.

    PS but honesty compels me to add that for several months thereafter, when in the supermarket, I would hide the black pudding under other items of my shopping. And even now, when I buy this, I have to make an effort not to do so. Even now!!!! Black pudding is something my family love!

  • cofty

    Well done NVR.

    That '87 WT quote ought to make it impossible for any JW to get a job in healthcare.

  • Chariklo

    Interesting idea, Cofty.

    It set me wondering. Here where I live, a JW is a vet. Would his JW principles be in conflict with anything he might need to do for animals, or would he have to compromise his principles to enable him to fulfil his duty to owners and animals?

    I'm not very well up on animal medicine in general, even after a lifetime spent with animals in variety.

  • talesin

    FS - to donate as a match. :)

  • tec

    As others have said already, well done!

    You sure do not need to sacrifice your life for an exacting organization and false teaching.

    Peace to you,


  • AGuest

    Wonderful news, dear NVR (peace to you!). Perhaps you should show your doctor that article shared by dear DOC (peace to you, all well!) and discuss why you "might" have some concerns with confidentiality with regard to YOUR record. Ask him to NOT discuss it with the JW (as she might NOT look at records and you don't want to trigger anything), but that you wanted to let him/hew (doctor) know your concerns and that you would take a BREACH of your confidentiality QUITE serious. You could suggest he reiterate with his staff the office policy AS WELL as their potential to be sued INDIVIDUALLY for a breach. Because her (JW) telling not only puts her at risk for being sued, but him and his practice (she is his "agent').

    On another note (peace to you all!), I am thinking that perhaps "we" (those here and from other forums/sites but who have the same interest) should send a copy of that article to the HIPPA committee, AMA, and other like entities...along with an electronic "letter"that we all (and anyone else who's interested) can sign, stating our concern with confidentiality and the WTBTS' policy as to matters like this. They are, in essence, saying that their policies and doctrines outweigh the law in this area and "hinting" that their members SHOULD put such over their jobs. I get that there are some things that take precedence over a job (personal integrity, where an employee is asking one to do something illegal - falsify reports, lie to authorities/government, etc., which is done in my industy ALL the time!).

    In this matter, however, not only are they asking a JW member to break the law, but they're breaking their own "two witness" rule (who is the other witness, besides the JW medical employee who tells in the first place? The doctor surely isn't going to corroborate... and I don't think they want their members to risk JAIL... for removing files/making copies of patient records, so... where are the TWO witnesses it takes to bring a charge? The ONLY other "witness" would be the accused. To those, I would say DO NOT COP TO ANYTHING IN THIS KIND OF A SCENARIO. It is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS but between you and God ALONE (if you have that concern; if not, this wasn't directed at you)... because THERE IS NO "VICTIM" involved!

    As usual, the WTBTS hypocrites want to have their cake and eat it, too. A member can molest a child, who then comes forward and makes a report of it, usually through a parent... and yet, it is not taken as valid unless someone else literally witnessed it as well (and comes forward as to) the act, or another makes the same accusation (yet, sometimes, they want two witnesses for EACH incident!). Here (violation of privacy), they are ready, willing, and raring to go on the word of ONE. WE should NOT let them get away with that very hypocritical and VERY burdensome... for both the patient AND THE JW who "must" report it... practice! Either practice, actually (two witnesses for a rape/molestation issue... OR guilting members into ratting off another's personal medical decisions)! Nothing we can do about the first, but I don't think that's necessarily true about the second.

    Of course, there will most probably be a stronger article to try and do damage control... one emphasizing the "spiritual" responsibility. However, there IS no spiritual responsibility... at least not for those under the NEW Covenant. ANY responsibility... and adherence to EITHER of these "laws" (two witnesses and/OR violating confidentiality)... is part of the OLD Covenant... and anyone [trying to put] others under just ONE... binds themselves... and so will be judged as to ALL.

    So, I put it out there: maybe a letter to HIPPA, etc., with MANY signatures... to make them AWARE. I don't know how to make such a letter, but I'm willing to research how and/or enlist help from someone who does. Or "sign" one created by another. Maybe one of our resident attorneys will write the cover. But I think we have the power to make the folks who NEED to know... and perhaps can do something about it... about this issue. Why not use that power... and give so many folks a bit more peace of mind?

    Again, peace to you all!

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ (who NEVER bound HIS sheep and God's House to such "laws", but set them FREE from them... by means of giving HIS life... and HIS BLOOD!),


    P.S. Any resident attorneys (or future attorneys... or good "professional" letter writers) who agree and want to volunteer and do a cover, please step up. I would offer to do it, but I've learned that anytime I take the initiative to do "good" on this site, well... doesn't always turn OUT so good. So, I'm willing to sign anyone else's letter. C'mon, folks... there are a LOT of us here and we can create alias, if we need to. I will use by real name... 'cause I ain't ascared of the WTBTS or what they think of me. Even so, the "spirit" of "cowardice" shouldn't reign here - this could effect any one of us AND/OR any one of our loved ones as to privacy. If your medical records aren't SAFE from unauthorized review and revealing, what's to stop them from knowing ANYTHING about you... and using those to treat you ill... even things NOT related to blood, etc.? They only have the power YOU give them/allow them to have. TAKE back YOUR power... at least as to your medical records! Peace.

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