Anderson Cooper is certainly no stereotype
I Used To Hate Gays!
by DubR 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Theocratic Sedition
Anderson Cooper is certainly no stereotype
How do you figure? LOL He was suspect to me from day one. Don Lemon was the one I didn't see coming.
I never had any hate for gays. I even remember saying things to other JW's about how I had no qualms with gay people being married because, after all, how does it impact us in any way? That's their business. The few people I said that stuff to seemed to agree with me. Maybe that's why the one brother confided in me that he was gay. I had already known that ahead of time and I think most people knew that he was. Still, I never said anything to anyone because I didn't want there to be backlash towards him.
The first gay person I ever encountered was my mother's hairdresser. He was a man who dressed as a woman and took the name Nicole and was actually very beautiful. Nicole could do some hair. My father would call Nicole "it" but never to his/her face. I didn't have any hate feelings towards Nicole. When I was older I went to school and worked in the fashion industry in San Francisco. I had teachers, fellow students, co-workers, and bosses who were gay. It made no difference to me, I didn't care. Who they were attracted to and loved was none of my business and didn't make a difference in my opinion of them as a person to be respected. One of my husband's best friends is gay.
I never really hated gay people but I sure hated the idea of homosexuality. I remember an elder telling me one time that we shouldn't view it any differently than fornication.
That said, I'm not quite the homophobe I used to be. I really don't care anymore. Although I still don't understand why or how a man can be attracted to another man. I don't have that feeling that I used to have that homosexuality is contagious or that gays are trying to recruit new members.
Anothrr thing I don't understand is why I can find two guys together to be repulsive to me, yet two women together is such a turn-on. I think alot of mrn are like me in that thinking.
@matt2414 @ohiocowboy @irondork Thank you very much for being open and sharing your thoughts! I could not imagine what you all went through being a gay JW.
@maisha I 100% agree with u. After disecting the bible I knew I was much more loving and just than Jehovah/God/Sky Bully. Sorry God but rape is NEVER ok in my book and no old or new covenant can change that.
@drewcoul "Anothrr thing I don't understand is why I can find two guys together to be repulsive to me, yet two women together is such a turn-on. I think alot of mrn are like me in that thinking." - LOL the whole 2 dudes banging was/is still repulsive to me also but I have to figure to gay guys a dude banging a chick is a similar thought process. Not sure though. But MAN two chicks...OMG!
Again thank u all for sharing ur thoughts and plz continue to share them!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"I had an argument with my ex, who insists that gays are evil because they don't procreate."
Yeah, like the world is sooo dangerously underpopulated that it's of great importance to send every gay person to Marcus Bachmann to get "cured."
@ Billy the Ex-Bethelite - Nice one. "Curing" homosexuals is just as retarded of "curing" straight people. I guess middle eastern guys (bible writters) have always been bigots! lol
Heh, Billy. I tried to argue that gays have an important role in adopting and raising all those kids brought into the world by useless straights who can procreate but choose not to parent. He has learned over the years that he can't argue the gay topic with me and win, so he has retreated into that particular one. Unfortunately he's one of those Middle Eastern guys (same as the Bible writers), so the attitudes are deeply entrenched.
As JW I believed it was possible to cure gays. AFter all, the Bible says "that's what some of you were". One of my aunts left her husband for another woman. Some years ago she was killed in a horrible highway accident. I recently discovered that at the funeral my holier-than-thou elder brother told my cousin that my aunt deserved to die because she was homosexual. It sickened me when I heard that. But I guess on some level I must have accepted those attitudes when I was a JW.
DubR: Thank you so much for your kind words and expressions of enlightenment about gays.
Drewcoul: I realize it's hard to understand how a man can be attracted to another man, but ask yourself, How can a man be attracted to a woman? Think about it. As kids, boys don't want anything to do with girls. Boys and girls, men and women have very little in common, basically being raised in different cultures -- thus, the expression "Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars." Yet at some point during puberty, most develop an attraction to the other. The truth is, humans have very little control over whom we are attracted to. In tests, blindfolded straight men have become arroused after sniffing samples of women's pheromones, but feel nothing when sniffing the pheromones of men, even though they didn't know which was which. On the other hand, gay men felt nothing when sniffing pheromones of women, but became aroused with sniffing those of other men. They didn't choose to become aroused, gays, like straights, are just hard-wired that way, it was out of their control. Gay people accept the sexual relationships of opposite-sex couples because that is what we are exposed to and it's not considered taboo. We don't fantasize or obsess over the sexual activities of straight people. Gay people look forward to the day when homophobes stop obsessing over the sexual activities of homosexuals, and focus instead on the love and companionship such relationships provide.
mamochan13: You state that as a JW, you believed it was possible to cure gays. After all, you say, "the Bible says 'that's what some of you were.'" That text in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 has always confused me. It uses nouns when stating that fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, thieves, greedy persons, drunkards, revilers, extortioners would not inherit God’s kingdom. But instead of saying "homosexuals," it merely says "men who lie with men." The Governing Body uses the weak excuse that there was no word for homosexual in Greek in Paul's time. But Bible writers have been known to coin words or in the very least use words from other languages when necessary to explain themselves. So why is this an issue? Because that would mean he wasn't just directing his words to homosexuals. Recent and more accurate studies reveal that 3.5 percent of Americans are gay and lesbian. However, 10 percent of straight Americans admit they have had sexual relations with others of the same sex. This is probably similar in most other countries as well. In other words, there are more straight -- and often married -- people who are having same-sex relations than gays and lesbians. So was Paul speaking to gays or straights in 1 Cor. 6? This is important to know because you can't apply Paul's words in our time if you don't even know what or to whom he was referring to originally.