They should have replaced it with something like:
"Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise that this magazine is about to be replaced by an even less-frequent, fewer-paged, dumbed down version of this magazine."
by Splash 46 Replies latest watchtower bible
They should have replaced it with something like:
"Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise that this magazine is about to be replaced by an even less-frequent, fewer-paged, dumbed down version of this magazine."
now that's a prophecy!
I won't even mention it to my wife because the silence gets annoying. She just has nothing to say and neither do most dubs. They don't know how to answer that questions because the GB has not told them howto yet. Every canned JW answer was handed to them. They didn't think of it. But when u hit that unknown it's not paydirt. It's a dead end. They simply can't answer u. They just haven't received that new light yet.
You are not allowed to ask the Governing Body why this change was needed to the Awake Magazine, because "all questions have been answered" according to the updated KM on Bible questions.
Ray Franz called these circus clowns "Bible Twisting Acrobats", now if all would pile into a giant circus cannon we could aim toward Mars and send them off!
These little things just showed up at the hall... The are the most redicoulous little pieces of nonsense i have ever held. They feel exceedingly thin and the margins must be a foot wide on either side! Its almost as if they couldnt fill the reduced 16 pages and stretched it anyway they could. Think a high school stundent double spacing a term paper to fill it out. Its laughable that they think this is somehow appealing to people. Laughable.
I agree EE.
I held them on Thu at the hall and thought how thin they felt, then someone pointed out it was doubled up with a second mag inside it!!!
Have the R&F seen/obtained them yet? I'd like to express my concerns/questions about the masthead change to my friends after I'm sure they have them in their possession.
Yea thats what i was saying. They have now been delivered to kh, at least in the usa
perhaps if wifey goes this weekend I can ck one out
Okay, I'm in the northeast... I wasn't sure if they were kept somewhere until a "distribution to the congregation" date.
"Delivered to" = "available for distribution." Got it.