Watchtower's greatest failure: the absence of IGNORANCE

by Terry 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Fred Franz must have loved sleep or meditation times when his imagination ran unfiltered. And then to have a writing department at your disposal, yikes!

    In the Zoroastrianism at least Mazda had a shadow that followed him around reminding him of the source of evil.

  • Satanus

    Good unveiling of the wt, terry. You show it to be the public turd that it is. Maybe that's why it is generally ignored by the public, academia and the media. Subconsciously, they feel what its nature is.


  • Terry

    Wouldn't it be lovely if, in a parallel universe, law required the leader(s) of any religion to appear one on one for interview at least once a year

    to answer 20 questions?

    There would, after each answer, be an audience and an applause meter indicating satisfaction/dis.

  • sooner7nc

    Nice post Terry and even nicer to know that we are not part of the unstumpable Ignorami.

  • Quentin

    Nail meet meet usual a great commentary....

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Terry, very thoughtfully written. However, Chuck Russell has sent this message from beyond the grave...

    "The answers to all your questions are in the Great Pyramid of Giza!"

  • Finkelstein

    The other greatest failure the WTS. should be held guilty of is not recognizing the inherent ignorance of the civilization of which

    they are set upon emulating, that of the ancient Israelites of Judea.

    To perceive that civilization as being solemnly supported by the almighty one and trying to subjectively emulate that civilization as being virtuous

    and beneficial for all humanity today, thats a terrible fail for all concerned.

  • Terry

    If you look at churches and religious organizations that have..."moved on"...from their original rigidity and turned to social improvements for members and "civilians" we can see clear maturity.

    If obvious cults like Mormonism provide so many benefits for young and old alike it is a practical spirit that continues to stimulate growth.

    The Worldwide Church of God (Armstrong) had a reckoning with its dark side and chose to walk a path of greater sanity.

    But, Jehovah's Witnesses? Nooooooo. Why?

    The members mean NOTHING to the leadership! The brothers and sisters at the Kingdom Hall are used as firewood to create heat in a cold world of indifference.

    The actual human needs are ignored, mocked and despised because--at the very core--this is an INhuman repository of misanthropic malevolence.

    People are targets for indoctrination thought of as literal wheat and weeds.

    The Governing Body has been a boa constrictor slowly tightening its grip around the prey.

    Doctrine has gradually shifted in order to exclude every promise to others and acquire it solely for themselves.

    The point of all this becomes setting themselves up as BROKERS of God's dividends meted out parsimoniously to the unworthy.

    The Bible--they tell us--was written ONLY for them. The Promises are ONLY for themselves.

    Only they interpret and revise....interpret and revise on a whim.

    The kindest sentiment from the top of the JW religion amounts to just 5 words; Like it or Lump it!

  • Larsinger58

    Problem is that we are well into the "last days" and past the date for the 2nd coming. The true date for the fall of Jerusalem is 529 BCE. The science and history are in place to confirm this. That being the case, the true 2nd coming date based on 2520 years after the fall of Jerusalem is 1992.

    Indeed, on December4 25, 1992, Christ did reappear in the flesh. This was personally experienced or observed by myself and a select number of others. So for US, the Bible is true and was fulfilled. 607 BCE is wrong and so 1914 is wrong as the date of the 2nd coming. But the 2520-year prophecy is correct when applied to the right date.

    Now I'm the expert Biblical chronologist here. So if anyone comes up with any jive chronololgy from the NB Period that dates the fall of Babylon in 539 BCE, I'm just going to laugh at them. All I can say is that per the Bible, Cyrus should have fulfilled that "70 weeks" prophecy, dating his 1st year in 455 BCE. IF SO, IF SO.... then 70 years earlier would date the last deportation to 525 BCE, year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II. That means the fall of Jerusalem in year 19, per the Bible, is 529 BCE. IF SO... then Christ was to return in 1992.

    Did he?

    He did for me! I'm an X-witness! One of the anointed. So for ME, the Bible is true. But I'm in a unique situation of being very close to God's activities at this time.

    Those desperate to continue to believe the Bible is just another book and not inspired and whose prophecies never come true will continue in darkness until Armageddon strikes. Others of us have been blessed to see REALITY.

    There are only two choices here: DENIAL and REALITY.

    I'm real

  • Terry

    Larsinger58, thanks for telling us what you know.

    What is it you Don't know?

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