If you look at churches and religious organizations that have..."moved on"...from their original rigidity and turned to social improvements for members and "civilians" we can see clear maturity.
If obvious cults like Mormonism provide so many benefits for young and old alike it is a practical spirit that continues to stimulate growth.
The Worldwide Church of God (Armstrong) had a reckoning with its dark side and chose to walk a path of greater sanity.
But, Jehovah's Witnesses? Nooooooo. Why?
The members mean NOTHING to the leadership! The brothers and sisters at the Kingdom Hall are used as firewood to create heat in a cold world of indifference.
The actual human needs are ignored, mocked and despised because--at the very core--this is an INhuman repository of misanthropic malevolence.
People are targets for indoctrination thought of as literal wheat and weeds.
The Governing Body has been a boa constrictor slowly tightening its grip around the prey.
Doctrine has gradually shifted in order to exclude every promise to others and acquire it solely for themselves.
The point of all this becomes setting themselves up as BROKERS of God's dividends meted out parsimoniously to the unworthy.
The Bible--they tell us--was written ONLY for them. The Promises are ONLY for themselves.
Only they interpret and revise....interpret and revise on a whim.
The kindest sentiment from the top of the JW religion amounts to just 5 words; Like it or Lump it!