DaCheech, my daughter knows her Dad is smart on history, 'cause he is so old and he lived in those olden times!- like B&W (even no TV) TV and vinyl records and going to a one-room country grade school.
Watchtower's greatest failure: the absence of IGNORANCE
by Terry 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Could you borrow the kids text book and read it, like on a weekend, or something?
There is an old teacher's saying- "when you start talking, you stop learning", this is the gist of the failures of the GB.
The WT leaders only talk to others, they don't listen, hence they can never learn anything new from outsiders and their knowledge base will never exceed what is already in place. - and as Terry has pointed out, the WT were all too happy to use the ideas of people who aren't true experts. Harold Camping also fell into the same self-fixing trap that Terry has so "expertly" taught us.
Too True!! It's funny that Moses, a person spoken to directly by YHWH, took advice on " theocratic " matters from his worldly Father-in-law. I guess Moses did not know everything. If that had been the GB they would have shunned the advice giver or killed them depending on the situation.
Governing Body transmits "knowledge" without receiving it by vision or inspiration. That must mean they "think it up" seeing how it is so often subject
to "adjustment." Yet, in the same breath, they are "channeling" from Jehovah in a way nobody else does.
What is remarkable about this process is the lack of continuity, credibility or consistency of it WHILE IT IS BEING TRUTH!
In what possible way could the teachings of the Watch Tower society be any different than guesses, conjecture or imagination?
Yet--they call it THE Truth and have so little humility in that process.