20 Questions

by Terry 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Let's say there is a new law.

    Once each year the leader(s) of any religious group have to answer 20 questions in public on TV posed by their critics.

    Twenty questions are allowed for a one hour presentation.

    Of course, we would expect softball answers. Except for one thing: the questioner can press a "Bullshit" button!

    That would mean the question is repeated and another answer was called for. And so on until the questioner was satisfied no dodging or spinning was going on.

    So, that is the premise.

    What we need now are those 20 questions.

    Can we come up with some short and snappy ones?

    Remember, we already know the Watchtower President is full of it. No surprises there.

    What we would go for is the kind of question that couldn't be squirmed out of.

    Additionally, the viewing audience would have to be able to understand what was actually being said.

    No inside 607 b.c. question would survive. It would eat up the hour easily!

    I think we could come up with some common sense queries.

    Put them on the spot and face them with a fact that cannot be dodged.

    You don't have to create all twenty of them, certainly.

    But, just one good one each.

    Then, the rest of the group can vote for the BEST 20 of all the extra ones given.

    After that, you may suggest who would be the best candidate (here on JW-net) to be the interrogator.

    My question suggestion is as follows:

    If we divide human ideas and human ingenuity one side from Divine ideas and god inspired purpose and intelligence on the other side ...we have every

    right to expect the human side would always have errors and need constant revisions. We expect the Divine ideas to be perfect from the outside and never need changing.

    QUESTION: Why then has the record and history of Watchtower teaching constantly needed revision to correct errors IF yours is the ONLY true religion derriving its information from no-guesswork because Jehovah is the editor? Isn't a "gradual" learning process a dead giveaway of human thinking and wouldn't NEW LIGHT just be an artificial way of explaining "We Goofed--reset--let's try again"?

    My suggestion for questioner: Leoleia

  • bohm

    Everyone would recognize that a human who watched a woman get raped without doing the slightest to intervene was either a moron, scared or morally deficient. God is neither of the first, is there an excuse for Gods inaction we would not imediately dismiss if it was used for a human?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    QUESTION: If you are inspired by God, you must be infallible, because God is infallible.

    Are your writings & teachings inspired by God?

  • Terry

    The only effective questioner of a politician is the interlocutor who presses them beyond the "canned" answer.

    Politicians pivot away to their talking points.

    Jehovah's Witnesses do this all the time as a part of their training. It is called "Answering objections."

    It does not consist of thoughtful consideration. It is all about "winning".

    Designing a question for a Watchtower leader is not an easy task.

    They are ready to deflect, pivot and pull out the talking point.

    I had a series of lunches with a former best friend who had brought me in to the "Truth" in which we invariably ended up in a debate.

    My JW "friend" is excellent at deflection. When cornered like a rat he would turn the dynamics back on you to gain balance.

    It was entertaining and instructive.

    I'll never forget when I brought up the fact that JW's cannot explain how hundreds of thousands of dinosaur bones have been dug up from

    earth strata determined to be 65 million years old. I asked him what that does to the JW timeline.

    Here is his pivot:

    "There are hundreds of thousands of bacteria living in my ass I can't explain either--but--it doesn't damage my faith or religion!"

    Now that's a conversation stopper if I ever heard one:)

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
    "There are hundreds of thousands of bacteria living in my ass I can't explain either--but--it doesn't damage my faith or religion!"

    (LOL)Terry-That for sure put an 'END" to that argument!

  • Poztate
    "There are hundreds of thousands of bacteria living in my ass I can't explain either--but--it doesn't damage my faith or religion!"

    It is obvious that he knows that since his head has been stuck up his ASS ever since he joined that CULT....... LOL

  • goddidit

    "JW's cannot explain how hundreds of thousands of dinosaur bones have been dug up from earth strata determined to be 65 million years old"

    What is their official line on this? I was told by a JW this isn't a problem for them, as they don't claim god created all life at the same time.

    More lies?

  • smiddy

    Wouldn`t it be true to say that everytime the WTB&TS published" new light" in their literature , that is an admission their previous understanding was false ? So from the years 1879 down to this day in 2012 the WTB&TS has continually published" new light" , so when exactly have they ever been the truth ?


  • DesirousOfChange

    "JW's cannot explain how hundreds of thousands of dinosaur bones have been dug up from earth strata determined to be 65 million years old"

    What is their official line on this? I was told by a JW this isn't a problem for them, as they don't claim god created all life at the same time.

    I suspect it would be something like: The flood waters caused huge mudslides and shifting in the earth's plates and resulted in fossils from many different time periods all ending up in the same layers of sediment.


  • FadeToBlack

    QUESTION: Is it possible that a flood covered the entire earth in 2370 BC(E) and wiped out all life except for 8 people and as many animals as they could fit in their boat? (I'm just focusing on the year, nothing else about flood legend, which would also consume entire hour)...

    QUESTION: Is it reasonable to believe that prior to 2370 BC(E) it had never rained before on the earth?

    QUESTION: Is it likely that Hebrew is the original/earliest human language?

    My suggestion for questioner: Leoleia

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