That would double their productivity, cofty.
As a man it pains me to admit it but it might do much more than that. Some of the best interventions are ones that invest small amounts in ventures led by groups of women.
by Knowsnothing 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That would double their productivity, cofty.
As a man it pains me to admit it but it might do much more than that. Some of the best interventions are ones that invest small amounts in ventures led by groups of women.
Once those women are educated, along with the Muslim society in general, they will demand and want the same luxuries we take for granted. This puts a huge strain on what is already a taxed world.
Nah. If anything, it will reduce the strains. Upper income countries, for example, do a far better job protecting the environment these days than poor countries. Population growth rates have also stabilized. Really, many of these countries have negative growth rates if not for immigration.
May I suggest a great little video....
You can't separate morality from economy, Cofty. Sorry.
Of course you can - and must.
Morality is based on objective truths not opinions. Of course there are economic consequences of moral decisions but morality is not dependant on those.
I am not pretendng we can answer all moral questions in practice but that doesn't mean they don't have answers.
Yes there will always be gaps between the rich and the poor, but for the sake of social harmony, isn't it in our best interest to reduce the gap? - Jgnat
I won't argue with you there. The problem is in the overall consumption these countries will now begin exhert on the earth.
I am agreeing unreservedly with BTS! Its OK I'm sitting down ;)
implications of every single human being moving up to at least the middle class is disastrous and untenable.
Personally, I think we humans are at their peak- insane human tyrants will soon have the power to destroy our economy and our culture --and since civilized people won't attack unless they are attacked first, we will miss the opportunity to stop them, before they use that new nuclear EMP weapon against us. I hope I am wrong on this-
And I think it won't even be disastrous or untenable.
Untenable, in the sense that cheap labor will no longer come from people, but machines... dependent on fossil fuels or hopefully by them some alternative fuel.
Upper income countries, for example, do a far better job protecting the environment these days than poor countries. -BTS
Tell that to the US and China... They are the main reasons for Global Warming...
Morality is based on objective truths not opinions. -Cofty
And these objective truths are material truths.
Biggest issue right now to solve, would definitely be finding alternative fuels. I wonder how massive migrations due to Global Warming flooding will affect our moral compass. When we are faced with the grim realities of sharing our space with people we don't necessarily agree with... whoooo boy.
Natural gas produces 1/4 the carbon emissions of coal, and 1/2 that of petroleum fuels. We'll start seeing the transition over the next 5 years, starting with truck fleets. Eventually we'll have something better, but I suspect it won't be that soon.
Knowsnothing, as income (security) rises and health care improves, birth rates go down. Doubling the productive potential of a country by educating the women increases disposable income and thereby the prosperity of the country.
A comfortable middle-class can afford the luxury to start worrying about global warming and the state of the environment.