Its ridiculous logic Perry.
It is based on the false premise that atheism is a positive assertion that there is no god - it isn't.
Anybody who claims they can prove there is no god is as illogical as you are.
by smiddy 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Its ridiculous logic Perry.
It is based on the false premise that atheism is a positive assertion that there is no god - it isn't.
Anybody who claims they can prove there is no god is as illogical as you are.
It is based on the false premise that atheism is a positive assertion that there is no god - it isn't.
Of course that is just exactly what atheism is according to the dictionary..... as I pointed out and provided an example of.
I realise you like things all simple and black-and-white Perry but the world isn't like that.
Atheists don't get their worldview from a dictionary. If you would like to know why your assumption is wrong just ask.
I predict you would prefer to go attacking a straw-man.
Yes isn't agnosticism so far apart and away from atheism.
Perry , your being tritely ineffectual in your attempts to demean Dawkin's personally adapted ideology.
Dawkins has said many times that he's mostly atheistic but very slightly agnostic.
Give it up already, shouldn't you be in a church somewhere talking to your own imagination.
"Yes isn't agnosticism so far apart and away from atheism. ..." Finkelstein, page #2
It's always been my impression that theists are on a "bell-shaped" curve - you've got the fanatics at one end, and the flexible, tolerant ones at the other end...
And THAT "bell-shaped" curve slowly graduates into ANOTHER "bell-shaped" curve of agnostics/deists, with those who still basically believe at one end, and those who have pretty much left belief behind at the other end...
And still again, THAT "bell-shaped" curve slowly graduates into the LAST "bell-shaped" curve of atheists, with those who are sceptical agnostics who still think that there may be a possibility of a "god" - if one were able to PRODUCE such evidence, to the very last part of the curve, those who are thoroughly and firmly convinced that there is no god.
I need to do some artwork for my concept...
Isn't it somewhat ironic that Perry quoted from a atheistic bashing bias so called dictionary and not a real dictionary.
So he has expressed dishonesty in his weak attempt to demean R Dawkins.
Maybe there should have been a 11th commandant " Thou shall not be dishonest "
Let it be recognized that Richard Dawkins is far more intellectually brighter that Perry,
far mare educated on matters of genetic biological evolution.
And from all appearances, far more intellectually honest than Perry.
Atheists don't get their worldview from a dictionary.
This is called a "thought stopping cliche'". These kinds of phrases are designed to quell cognitive dissonance.
The atheist position is a logical imposibility loop. That is an easily provable fact. You cannot change that fact. It was true yesterday, today and it will be true throughout all eternity. I am not personally picking on you in pointing this out.... so please don't take it personal.
Agnosticism, which is admitting that a person is personally ignorant regarding whether or not God exists, is where many people end up.
Let it also be clearly recognized that Richard Dawkins is a true empathic humanist in character.
Partially the reason that he put out the book " The God Delusion "
and likewise why C Hitchens put out his books.
Perry on the other hand if just self righteously apathetic toward human sociological behavior.
I wasn't particularly impressed by God Delusion, but think that's because it wasn't the book I was expecting.
I think what I was expecting was more of bio-psycho-socio-cultural deconstruction of the human concept of god or gods, or even just the supernatural; but instead, it's more of a collection of philosophical arguments against god that have existed for years. There science stuff in there too, but not as much as I wanted.
It's a good book, but not great (and I don't believe in the supernatural.)
I agree, BOC. I got more out of "The Jesus Mysteries" than from "The God Delusion".