And... it starts. Okay, let's do this:
No, you claimed to be a moderator. You claim many things. This is not your private playpen
I made no such claim... I do, as do you... and you're correct, it's not. Nor it is your private "I'm Gonna Shut AGuest Down All By My Lonesome" pen, either. Folks like you have come... and gone.
The manufactured outrage is really quite amusing
No outrage, EP, manufactured or otherwise. That (outrage... manufactured or otherwise)... is ya'll's "thang." More like amusement on my part. You all are so silly sometimes, one can't help but laugh. Guffaw, even.
from some one that says god whispered to them that I was an alcoholic and unless I changed my ways I was gonna die.
Get yer faks strate, cowboy: God whispered no such thing, nor did I ever make such a claim. Now my Lord, yes, did say that you're an... mmmmm... that you're "distilled spirit challenged" (I mean, cause I gotta keep it all PC an' all, you know, for the usual suspects)... which you've never denied (come to think of it... 'cause I don't usually, unless/until you bring it up, that is, which is, what, every other post... you've actually lent quite a bit of corroboration to it. Way more than I ever have... ever could. Indeed, the only thing you've actually ever made an issue of is as to WHO revealed it to ME... HOW I know. But never as to whether it's untrue. Curious, that).
Oh, and kudos for TRYING to change your ways. There's still time, so... keep up the good work!
I have only just started reading this thread....
Oh, stop it - it you had just started reading you wouldn't have need to point it out. You started reading some time ago but was too chikken to comment until you saw some of your cronies do so first. So, now that you've worked up a little courage, you want us to think, "Oh, ooh, I JUST popped in!" Cheah... right. And the dishonesty starts...
but are you talking to yourself here Aguest?
Perhaps. Though the many comments seem to indicate not. Even so, what's it to you if I am?
And did you answer yourself?
I dunno - did I?
If who will permit you?
Whomever I directed the comment to. Oh, dang! I forgot! It's YOU. You wouldn't get who that was if they... nevermind. You wouldn't get it even then...
And did they permit it before you continued?
Well, they didn't stop me, so...
Or was this just some weird self supporting question?
Again: what... is... it... to... YOU... if... it... was...?
Who are you thanking?
Regardless, you should exclude yourself from whomever it was...
Anyway, going back to read some more.
Actually, although it's obvious you've read already I think you're going back and re-reading is a great idea. Actually, YOU might need to do it, say, 10... 20... more times, though. You know, 'cause it's gonna take at LEAST that... before YOU get it.
A slave of Christ,