Yawn. Total rubbish.
Looking After Widows and Orphans... and Spending One's "Riches"
by AGuest 136 Replies latest jw friends
You aren't significant enough to be "dangerous".
Please... tell that to your friends, dear Zid (again, peace to you!)? Because I've been trying to tell them that for some time. That I'm not dangerous OR significant. I mean, I agree with YOU, girl! You and me... we're here on that (SA points two fingers at her eyes, then at dear Zid's)...
I meanYou're simply bloated with your own self-importance, followed around by a group of people about as delusional as you.
Take care, girl, 'cause you would have to include yourself... and a few other usual suspects which you may call friends... in that "group," luv.
But it is amusing to watch you dream up your own interpretation of my "thoughts" - or your special version of "facts" - and then attempt to present your inaccurate ramblings as if they were "reality"...
Well, now, see, I gave you the benefit of the doubt... that you were a mature conversationalist. What I see here is that you are responding to matters before you've even heard what I had to say. That doesn't sound mature... or even intelligent... to ME... but, heck, what do I know...
And to cleave a bit more closely to the alleged "topic"...
The topic was looking after widows and orphans and spending one's "riches"... and that's exactly what the OP was about. Oh, wait... maybe you didn't read that, either...
No where in your OP did you mention or present PRACTICAL means by which to offer REAL assistance to people in need.
Well, I disagree... but I think we disagree as to what is "practical". Since it was my thread, though, I should think that that was up to me. Even so, as to the "practicality" I believe you're alluding to... is there some rule written somewhere that said when I post a thread titled so that I had to? If so, can you please point me to it?
Your idea of "help" apparently consisted of offering YOUR OWN special little versions of "reality" as "riches"...
Well, it's not my OWN, per se... but that's bothers you... why? Oh... WAIT! NOW I get it!!! Some of you are in some manner of NEED... and so was hoping I was going to address YOUR situation and tell folks how they could help YOU! Oh my goodness... MY apologies, truly! I had NO idea you would even read thread (I mean, since you "have absolutely no interest" in anything [I] post), let alone think there might be something in or of benefit to you, personally! Please... forgive me. To make up for it, I CAN post what I understand as to this matter from a more practical POV. Oh, wait... I actually did that. Mayhaps you didn't read THAT, either...
Nope, no constructive offers of MATERIAL assistance there
I'm sorry, dear Zid, truly. I had NO idea you were even interested...
just YOUR special little version of "life's water"....
Well, it's not MINE, but yeah, I think it's special. Apparently, so do you; else why do YOU keep reading my threads, given whom they're addressed to?
Now, THAT'S rich!!!
Indeed, it IS, dear one! That was the POINT!
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
the above statement is a personal attack. Let's be better than this, please.
Thank you, EP - I appreciate the effort but it might be too little, too late, I'm afraid. I've already been called a bitch (deleted by a mod - thank you, whoever you are!)... and a dingaling... on this thread. Now, I do appreciate your attempt appeal to and possibly "civilize" some of the post(ers) on this thread, but I would be lying if I said this was the best attack to choose to do so.
But... I truly appreciate the effort. Really. In all seriousness.
A slave of Christ,
SA, who feels this situation reminiscent of something like "Mob Wives" (you know, where beefy, brawny, husky-voiced (even bearded) female thugs try to pass themselves off as ladies by sipping cocktails with their pinkies extended, only to show their facade a ruse when they lose their cool and start cussin' and wanting to fight any real ladies who mosey in ... Yeah, that...)
It's not the right way to hold a conversation, from any side.
from any side
Yeah, well, for my part, perhaps it's a case of "bad association" and all that...
Or maybe it's just "when in Rome..."
A slave of Christ,
It's not the right way to hold a conversation, from any side.
Agreed this is pathetic, respect people.
Band - You don't like what someone says so you call them an ignorant bitch ???? Grow the fuck up!
It's not the right way to hold a conversation, from any side.
Quite a few here have done very well at NOT rising to the baiting and taunting.
They let the little "slights" and "insults" and "wrong words used" pass on by.......
But some still need to argue EVERY ITTY BITTY POINT. For whatever reason - Attention? Ego? Need to be right on every itty bitty point?
Too bad.....this was an interesting topic.