Should We Worship Jesus?

by Perry 229 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    I think that body was transformed to a spiritual state when he left the earth

    Absolutely, Datadog!

    'Putting on and taking off the flesh' is how Paul (?) described it, I think. Moving from physical to spiritual (and back again as well... just as the angels can do) Because the flesh does not enter the spiritual realm. Our flesh cannot make this transformation... but when Christ returns, then we are changed, then we will be like Him.

    Peace to you,


  • tec

    also share the same substance or essence of God. This is similar to my son who shares 50% of my essence in DNA.
    God only did this unique thing one time....hence Jesus is God's Only Begotten Son.

    This I agree with.

    (The rest of us who will be called sons (daughters) are adopted.)

    Peace to you,


  • tec

    Cofty, you have had spirit described for you. Just not in a way that you are willing to accept.


    We ARE spirits. Everything that makes us who we are... our thoughts, will, emotions, conscience, feelings, personality, etc. US. We just happen to be spirits 'within' a physical vessel. At least for now.

    Spirit is energy (as everything is), the spirit is more than the physical world... indeed the physical realm has no way to measure or observe the spirit... not currently, anyway. As such, you are not going to hear a defined definition... because we do not have the words, and we cannot fully grasp it. We see only a shadow.

    Can't describe the size or other physical properties, because the spirit is not defined by these... at least not our understanding of these. Yet.

    The spiritual is not limited though, as the physical IS.

    Peace to you,


  • cofty

    Tammy - That's not a definition of what spirit is, its a sermon about what you imagine spirit does.

    If spirit is energy then it would be easy to detect and measure. It clearly isn't energy.

    The world still waits with baited breath for a concise positive definition of what christians mean by this stuff you call spirit

    unstop - It wasn't a goofy question it is a serious one. Still waiting for an answer.

    Ptersit - you were being silly with your snide "don't be angry at god" remark. We have no need of fanciful notions about spirit to explain the fundamental forces of nature.

    Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là - Pierre-Simon Laplace

  • unstopableravens

    cofty : how mant times can i give you the answer i gave you the bibles answer thats what i know.

  • cofty

    The bible's answer is an non-answer.

  • Chalam

    According to Paul's words in 1 Timothy 1, it is possible to shipwreck one's faith.

    Hello Tammy, some interesting points about the "spiritual body"!

    Let us keep in mind the words of Christ about his own resurrection body.

    Luke 24:37-39

    English Standard Version (ESV)

    37 But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. 38 And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.”

    I only reinforce the point because the WT teaches against it.

    Blessings in Christ,

    Stephen xx

  • designs

    When you know people who follow the NT are just making it all up- Transubstantiation, Consubstantiation, Sacremental Union, Transignification, Pneumatic Presence.

  • Pterist

    Cofty **** Ptersit - you were being silly with your snide "don't be angry at god" remark. We have no need of fanciful notions about spirit to explain the fundamental forces of nature.*****

    The Holy Spirit is NOT the fundamental forces of nature, those forces can demonstrates what God's personal Holy Spirit can DO, so in my belief system resurrection of a bloodless human body would be easily achievable by the Creator and lawfully carried out to counter the WTS theology on ransom, The life was in the shed BLOOD.

    That is my belief, I am open to correction based on scripture and not from someone who no longer accepts that reference point. The topic of discussion here is "Should we worship Christ" you Snide remarks of Jesus's bodily functions is disrespectful at best and down right bath room talk of little boys at worse and does not contribute any relevance or further insight on the topic.

    Enjoy your choices.


  • designs

    Pterist- How do you know that the Holy Spirit is not the 'fundamental forces of nature' how do you arrive at that conclusion. Like with your Eucharist mutiple interpretations on every aspect of christianity only lends itself to more criticisms. So the 'worship' issue becomes worship what or who.

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