"Data-Dog", Elders do not have time to involve themselves with publishers "personal, secret views", why can't the Sheep do their own personal thinking and keep it to themselves if they desire to remain "in good standing"? Watchtower is afraid of the Internet, men like Simon, Randy and Greg Stafford, Anderson Cos (women too) sites putting questions into thinking JWs heads. The WTS is nervous because of the effect sites like JWN, FreeMinds, E-Watchman, Elihu , JW Romania".
Ask yourself, when was the last time you had a "Elder" provide spiritual encouragement or not cancel a Shepherding Call "they been wanting to do for your family, but it's been a busy three years now!"
Elders have no time to help, it's the sad truth all JWs must eventually face. When will the Watchtower Society allow elders to keep their own houses from imploding? Elder's are underappreciated, do all the shit work, do their best to try to help the sheep (Most elders are good people, some are very bad, a small minority are wicked) with no formal education.