PS: Sorry, I misunderstood. I didn't realize your were agreeing with ME
Jehovah's Witnesses View of Jesus Compared to the Early Church
by cofty 148 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
dear PSacramento...
you said: "no where will you find mention that Jesus was created "...
Jesus the Man was created, it is mentioned in luke 1:31.
the office or role of the Christ is pre-existant and is fulfilled in the person of God the Son who is from everlasting. (rev. 5:12-14)
in order to fully restore the kingdom of God to israel (acts 1:2-8) the Son (john 1:29-30) had to be born in the flesh, die and be resurrected.
1 timothy 2:5...isaiah 9:6-7(note: from that time forward, even forever)
love michelle
jw seem to me to be defence lawyers there job is to defend the wt even if they know the wt is wrong.
I like this thought a lot, it's a great way to describe the Witness mentality.
One of the things that started my questioning of the religion was when older friends in the congregation spoke unashamedly about avoiding the reading of certain books so they wouldn't be in danger of "falling out of the truth". How can you 'fall out of truth' by taking in new information? You can only replace one "truth" with another (hopefully more accurate) "truth". I couldn't understand why they were afraid to read what non-Witnesses had to say -- not just apostates, but scientists and religionists. I eventually realized that their real goal was to keep believing what they believed, not to arrive at an objective sort of truth. They have too much to lose (or so they feel) if they read too much and start to doubt the org., so they willfully maintain their ignorance.
Jesus the Man was created, it is mentioned in luke 1:31.
31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.
Where is the word created? to conceive in the sense of giving birth is not to create.
An artists creates a picture but that picture is NOT the artist nor does it share the artists attributes.
Conception (begetting)brings forth a being (life) that shares the same nature as who conceives (begets) it.
I know we tend to throw terms around a lot and create is one of them but it is also import to distinguish them in matter of theology.
Jesus being begotten of God in spirit is God ( same nature), Jesus begotten of Mary in flesh is Man( human nature)- fully human and fully divine.
apo : thats what it comes dowm to. truth is not afraid of untruth
I agree. But Christ never made the Trinity a doctrine.
Nope, man did that in his attempt to understand God's nature and the relationship between Father, Son and HS.
I am not a fan of the Trinity doctrine, it's langaue is outdate and for a different audience BUT it does come the closes in describing what can't be described.
Christ Alone
Good points, Psac. The language used to describe the Trinity is outdated in our language, and it attempts to understand something that is beyond our understanding, namely, God.
However, we do see the implications taught in the scriptures. Just as the word "Theocracy" is not contained in the scriptures, we see the idea of living life under God's ruling taught in the scriptures.
Many exJWs hold on to the idea that it is unbibilcal to believe that Jesus is eternal God and NOT created. However, this idea is taught over and over again in scripture. They can use a couple of verses to try and prove he was created, however those scriptures are easily understood when the Greek words are examined.
The reason is that for JW's God = The Father.
The term God and Jehovah are interchangeable, they seem to view the term "god" as another name for God rather than a title or a statement of His nature, which is what "God" is.
FOr a JW, to say that Jesus is God means that Jesus is His Father.
Christ Alone
You're right, Psac. And I get VERY tired of hearing and having to explain John 14:28 so often to JWs and exJWs. Because the Father was in a greater position in heaven than Jesus, they think this MUST mean that Jesus does not have the same nature as God. Isaiah can call Jesus the Mighty God. John can call Jesus God. Hebrews can call Jesus God. But we cannot.
What if I told a JW, "Jesus is my Mighty God!" They would be offended and taken aback. Even though Isaiah 9:6 says that very thing... Very interesting.
I discovered Jesus as my Lord and my God when I ran out of options.
You can have a relationship with an angel but that's called spiritism.