Anyone know of any effective but simple diets/diet tips? Weight gain after giving up smoking!

by Lozhasleft 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    I'm really struggling with this. I gave up smoking a few months back and have put on around 20lbs already. It's really getting me down. I've gone up another dress size and I wasn't slim to begin with! It doesn't help that I'm only 5' 2" either.

    I need to decide, back to Weight Watchers or try the Cambridge diet, or what? If anyone knows of any pills that work/help I'd appreciate the info? Exercise is not so easy for me because of health issues.

    Loz x

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Strategy #1 Stop eating bread & tatties

    Eat as much as you want, but get rid of the high density carbs; bread, spuds etc..

    Exercise is not so easy for me because of health issues.

    Lack of exercise is a bigger health issue than wobblyness or fags, so get something sorted that you can do and don't look for excuses not to do it.

    Strategy #2 Only eat food that comes in it's own skin

    If it is in a can, box, plastic bag, or bottle and isn't oil, or doesn't state it's alcohol content, leave it on the shelf.

    Have one day a week when you are NOT on any diet and can pig out on whatever you want, guilt free.

    If that doesn't work, then look at fad diets or go back to smoking.



  • Lozhasleft

    If that doesn't work, then look at fad diets or go back to smoking.

    This made me chuckle BS! Don't wrap it up will you ha ha. I might try to dump the carbs actually, I think I could live with that? I do take moderate excerise and I lead a busy life but I have to leave the strenuous stuff out or else I become very unwell. It really isnt an 'excuse'. I have M.E. and Fibromyalgia which respond badly to it.

    Loz x
  • cofty

    Loz - I would advise avoiding all diets and pills.

    What you need is a sustainable eating habit. There are so many myths about weight loss and exercise but the science is really quite simple - "eat less - move more."

    You have to consume fewer calories than you burn, it really is that simple. Be content to aim for losing about half a pound to a pound a week. One pound in weight represents 3500 calories which is quite a big deficit.

    Go and look at a half pound packet of butter and imagine all of that coming off your body every week.

    Most of us eat far more than we think we do. Cutting down on snacks and sweets is really important. Start the day with a breakfast that will keep you full for hours. Porridge is excellent as is a "low GI" food. This means it won't peak your blood sugar levels as it releases its energy slowly.

    Think about the calorie content of what you eat. Ignore labels like "low fat" they are often packed full of sugar. Its all about calories in and calories out.

    Do not starve yourself. Eat smaller portions frequently. If your body gets the message there is a food shortage it will go into starvation mode and hold on to its fat.

    When people claim to have lost large amounts of weight quickly it is almost always down to water and glycogen. The fat cells will have shrunk but are still there and will quickly blow up again when you re hydrate. Be patient. It took a long time to put the weight on its not going away in a few weeks. Your body is programmed to protect its emergency energy stores.

    All of us use a certain amount of calories even if we didn't move a muscle for 24 hours. This is called our basal metabolic rate. Muscles burn much more calories than fat so if you can manage some simple weight training your muscles will burn fat for you even when you are at rest. Don't be taken in by claims about "slow metabolism" its just an excuse. Very rarely people have a genuinely slow metabolism, a medical condition that is easily diagnosed and fixed.

    Take every opportunity to move around. Even just standing more than sitting will make a difference. Take the stairs rather than the lift, park your car at the opposite end of the car park etc. There is no need to take up jogging. Calorie control is the more significant part of the equation but anything you can do to increase the amount of calories you burn each day will help. Walking is effective but try to increase the pace. The first 20 minutes of exercise does little or nothing for burning fat - your body will be running on glycogen and only burns fat reluctantly. Its the next 10 minutes that make all the difference.

    Lots more I would like to share but hope this helps.

    One last thing - don't get obsessed with the scales. Weigh yourself once a week at most, always first thing in the morning. The more important measure is you will notice your clothes getting a bit looser.

    Good luck and don't beat yourself up when you have a bad day.

  • cofty

    Eat as much as you want, but get rid of the high density carbs; bread, spuds etc..

    Sorry but that is terrible advice. Complex carbs are your best friend.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hey Cofty that's really comprehensive advice and very helpful, thank you. I might combine what you're saying with the abstaining from bread and potatoes. Yes I can add on to my exercise in ways that you suggest, if it takes only these adjustments I can increase it slowly too. My downfalls are dairy products really, I love cheeses in particular, but am not a big sweet or chocolate fan. I do like a glass of wine or two and that's full of calories I realise!

    Loz x

  • cofty

    Why abstain from bread and potatoes?

  • Lozhasleft

    Sorry but that is terrible advice. Complex carbs are your best friend.

    Oh look, now I'm confused!

    Loz x

  • oldlightnewshite

    Just watch this documentary. It works.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Complex carbs are your best friend.

    Loz doesn't have an ambition to be a sumo wrestler.... also ... notice my advice to cheat on whatever diet you are on, one day a week.


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