cofty : you shoot down everything i say! lol thanks for posting that. thats why i said do research. i was carful when taking it, i loved it.
Anyone know of any effective but simple diets/diet tips? Weight gain after giving up smoking!
by Lozhasleft 98 Replies latest jw friends
Broken Promises
This thread illustrates you'd be best to talk to a doctor or qualified nutritionist.
Black Sheep - Of course cutting out carbs will result in weight loss. So will cutting out anything that contains calories. Cutting out carbs makes weight loss far more of a burden than it needs to be.
"Calories in v calories out" - its that simple.
unstop - I'm glad it worked for you. If I needed to lose weight in the short term it might be worth it but long term eating and exercise habits are the real solution.
The science of exercise, nutrition and fitness is part of my role as a coach.
I really appreciate the input. I understand what you're saying Cofty and it sounds sensible too, my concern is that with very gradual weight loss I lose heart too easily, which defeats the object, so I think Black Sheep's suggestion might have been useful to help me there. I have found Fitness Pal and am downloading it to my Ipad, thank you Amelia, it will help me whichever way I go, I'm sure. I will also check out your recommend Unstop but I don't cope with caffeine even in coffee very well, so that might be tricky.
i have just spent an hour watching the Horizon programme in the link that Oldlight posted, and to be honest it's fascinating. It's based on 2 days a week on a limited (400 cal) fasting and 5 days normal eating, and seems to be very effective.
Loz x
Amelia Ashton
Before Spain I had tried so many diets after giving up smoking and they all failed for various reasons. Some purely because they were too boring or restrictive to do for longer than a week or even a month.
I lost 6 stone when I moved to Spain without counting a single calorie. I only realised how much I had lost when my rings kept falling off. I had no scales and the ones at friend's houses were in kilos so the figures meant nothing.
The life style change was the main factor and the other I believe key ingredient was the fact I was on a big adventure and although scary it was exciting and I was loving every minute of it. I also ditched my anti depressants at the airport but continued with my thyroxine pills. Having an under active thyroid will always mean weight gain is my default as opposed to weight loss.
When experts talk about life style change I do believe it is true but changing your life style without changing your life as dramatically as I did is not always practical.
On returning to the UK the 6 stone that took 2 years to come off naturally was all back on again in a year even though I tried so hard to eat the same way as we did out there. I failed.
This is my second attempt at losing weight since my return and so far has seen the greater results, perhaps boosted by the fact I am on the move again but only 100 miles up the motorway this time.
BP our doctor simply recommends calorie controlled diets.
Loz x
Try 1 800 QUIT NOW. They can provide you with free assistance in weight loss after smoking cessation.
Loz, the quickest way I lose weight is by switching to skim or fat free milk and as Cofty said, to have smaller meals during the day and switch to a low GL diet. Eat fruits such as plums, berries, pears and watermelon as these have a low Glycemic Index.
You can supplement with chromium and 5HTP as these 2 do help with weight loss. 5-HTP is especially good if you have sugar cravings, although if you are on a serotonin-reuptake drug such as prozac, you shouldn't take 5-HTP.
I also find that if I make sure that 1/4 of each meal is protein, 1/4 carbohydrate: (starchy veggies or foods)and half of each meal non-starchy veggies, I lose very quickly. Both chromium and 5-HTP are natural products.
having never needed to diet or lose weight as i am quite active, i do know close family who are lets say on the 'chunky' side.
my cousin lost 2st over 3-4mths. she looks great. I asked her what diet had she been on, 'I took some magic pills.' I must have looked a bit shocked so she explained that she got a few side effects, thirst being one, so drunk lots of water during the day, waking up early and sometimes struggle to sleep. but she did say that the side effects 'were'nt too bad' and that the weight coming off felt like it was worth it. she has kept it off too which is always a worry for dieters. what I will say is that they do work but like anything do your own research.
Amelia, I am impressed with Fitness Pal, I've been able to quickly set it up and add in my breakfast! No big chore sourcing calorie details it's just a click away! I think this might really help me, and you're quite right it gives a visual motivation to keep to the limit. Regardless of which way I go I will definitely use this to help me. And best of all it's Free!
Loz x