Any congregation secretary or former. If a person does not report for the month and is zero hours is this zero included when the average is calculated?
Are irregular publishers included in the congregation average?
by hoser 28 Replies latest jw friends
keyser soze
They were when I was still in. But after three straight months of not reporting time, they were put on the inactive list, and not included. I don't know if that's still the case.
so for a congregation service committee an inactive publisher looks better on the books than an irregular publisher or a very low 1-2 hour publisher?
I am beginning to believe that low hour publishers are hounded only because they bring down the average and then the CO shits on the elders.
It is six consecutive months of not reporting to earn the label "inactive."
The time keeping person (not always who you think) can be creative in their reporting. Many times during the last month he will contact everyone who has a missing month who might have "forgotten" and report it in August.
wha happened?
I saw elders making up time a lot. Everyone was either active, or inactive. No irregular publishers
bats in the belfry
I was told these days you can hand in the report up to the 20th the month following (not the 6th like it used to be) and still be counted as regular publisher. Is this correct?
wha happened?
I used to turn in time for months that had already gone by. They always counted it
Ever since Watchtower allowed 15 minutes per month as "active" most Secretaries put SOMETHING down rather than stay up hounding JWs on the phone for time. That way they can wrap it all up and go back to watching TV.
But your are correct- low hour publishers bring down the "average". When I was an Elder (and secretary) the P.O. and THREE of the Elder body, asked me NOT to be in a hurry to request the cards of "troublesome" publishers.....(publishers with marital or ANY kind of potential judicial problems or LOW hours.- under 6hrs average) They asked me to QUICKLY forward cards of anyone who were a "problem" low hours, judicial, inactive etc. etc.
They would invite and recruit some Pioneers or servants families with high hours. 10 +month average.
This was the result of Circuit Overseers who would berate the elder body based on computer spreadsheets of HOURS and other stats of each Congregation in the circuit. You did NOT want to be in the bottom 25% of anything.
Don't any of them just lie?
"Congregation average" is not calculated by the congregation secretary - the Society doesn't ask for that number.
They ask for how many publishers went out in service the previous month, and the grand total of hours (and placements & RVs & studies).
However, the fact that the Society doesn't ask for a count of "0 hour publishers" (inactives) indicates that they are not counted by them when the Society calculates its average.
I.e., for the Society's "averages" numbers, inactive publishers don't pull the figures down. They just aren't counted.