You are not irregular until the CO comes and goes and you did not hand in a report. Those figures go on his report. i.e. how many are irregular, inactive, how many became inactive or irregular since last visit. So in otherwords you do not need to hand in your report until the week of his visit to be counted as regular.
Are irregular publishers included in the congregation average?
by hoser 28 Replies latest jw friends
a watcher
Lying on a field service report is stupid. Do you think you're fooling Jehovah? Think again. Think Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts 5:1-10)
"But as for...the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second death." (Rev 21:8)
I.e., for the Society's "averages" numbers, inactive publishers don't pull the figures down. They just aren't counted.
so if for example there was a low hour family of 4 it would look better for them if you went inactive
so if for example there was a low hour family of 4 it would look better for them if you went inactive
In a way, yes.
But "inactive publishers" are a different kind of black mark. The CO alwyas wants to know "how many became inactive since my last visit", and the secretary has to report how many became inactive once a year directly to the Society.
So having inactives is kind of a temporary bad thing for the elders. Of course, if you remain inactive for a long time, for years, you are eventually forgotten about.
in a congregation with a high number of pioneers it may look even worse. it increases the % of low hour publishers
Lying on a field service report is stupid. Do you think you're fooling Jehovah?
This is true. However the men in authority do look at the figures and your treatment by them is largely based on the amount of time you put in to work for your salvation. The whole concept of tracking individual time on "publishers record cards" is unscriptural.
I understand the whole "...need to be organized, encouraging to hear the progress from distant fields, etc.." but they can still do all that with the publishers handing in reports anonymously. The secretary hands in totals anyway not individual reports. Lets be honest, isn't the purpose of handing in reports really for the elders and CO's to look at and base your spirituality on.
How many times in elders meetings I have heard discussions about brothers and inevitably one of the elders says "what has his activity been like lately" How unchristian to base someone's value soley on participation in a man made organizations interpretation of how Jesus' ministry should be carried out. pathetic really.
When I was doing it, we only sent a bottom line total to the Society. Although I was supposed to post it by the 6th (old days) I waited to see if any more reports came in. I was not popular with London Bethel.
I was told to count all the reports and calculate an average against the number of publisher cards, excluding "inactive ones".
If someone gave a report for November after I had posted it away, I held it and counted it in the December total , so the same publisher may have two reports counted for one month, or even 3 or 4 if they gave me a bundle together as sometimes happened.
It was all averaged over a year, eventually so it worked I was told
Do you think you're fooling Jehovah?
Jehovah already knows how many hours of field service someone does. They don't need to write it down for him.
So who do they write it down for? Those are the guys they are fooling.
Ever since Watchtower allowed 15 minutes per month as "active"
This is only very rarely used, and requires approval of the congregation service committee.
In our congregation, for instance, the only such approved person is a 90 year old ex-special-pioneer with severe dementia. I think her caretakers pin a magazine to her blouse and wheel her around her nursing home for a 15 minute stroll once a month (cuz, ya see, Jehovah would be mighty sore if she were to become "irregular" or even worse "inactive").
"Irregular" mean's a person is "spiritually weak" am I correct?