It would be nice to know any info would be helpful.
List Of Names Of Legal Dept at Bethel?
by frankiespeakin 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Pull up a few JW lawsuits online. Public record with the courts. Barbra Anderson's site has a number of Docs.
Get the mailing addresses of a few WTBTS Attorneys, then reverse the address with the NY State bar. I noticed an unusual address NEAR Bethel on a couple in the past. Most list brokers can this for you cheap. Perhaps a large NYC Attorney support, Court reporting service will have this because they market and mail to attorneys.
I noticed some unusual addresses in the obscure Bethel address, commuter Bethelites? I bet Barbra knows.
I have no idea how you would get a list of the ton of Para legals at Bethel or local JW Attorneys & Paralegals who do pro-bono work for WTBTS.
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Daniel Pole, Orangeville, On. Canada
Shane Brady
David Gnam
Glen How and ASSociates (lists 5 attorneys who seem to be all jws but can't confirm, 2 above are on the list, old How is dead)
Just a few Canadian lawyer for you.
Found this site that might help you with the names of other wts lawyers.
Thanks, I think it would be informative to get some idea of Governing Body legal representation. I would imagine the heavy hiters were invovled in the Conti lawsuit.
The latest definitive information for the United States that I have goes back to 2003 and is found in the April 8, 2003 (signed by Don A. Adams, President) Amended and Restated Charter of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
The page reads:
The names and addreses of attorneys admitted to practice in the State of New York who have, in the past year, made commitments to Watch Tower to provide legal services are:
William R. Bell, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, NY 12563
Christine Benham, 275 Tanner Marsh Road, Guilford, Connecticut 06437
Philip Brumley, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Max Custer, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Michelle Dickinson, 27 Hudson Watch Drive, Ossining, New York 10562
Lisa Douglas, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Robert C. James, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Richard King, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Adam Linett, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
James M. McCabe, 4817 Santa Monica Avenue, Suite B, San Diego, California 92017
John Miller III, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Richard Moake, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Mario F. Moreno, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Erna Neufeld, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Paul D. Polidoro, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Donald T. Ridley, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563
Carolyn R. Wah, 100 Watchtower Drive, Patterson, New York 12563Attorneys Bell, Brumley, James, McCabe, Moreno, Olds, Polidoro, Ridley, and Wah have been representing the Watch Tower the longest, especially Ridley. Brumley runs the Legal Department and has done so even before the Society put him through law school.
Bell, Brumley, James, McCabe, Ridley, and Wah were at Brooklyn Bethel when we were. Since 2003, I'm sure that other attorneys have come on board as well as some on the list probably have gone their own way.
Thank You.
I wonder what any bethelites can tell us about these guys, are they all under the Governing Body's delusion of spokesman for Jehovah and such?
It's a mystery how and why very educated people in law or medicine continue to support Watchtower. I personally knew a dr. at the farm and also a lawyer that gave up a good practice, moved to Patterson to work exclusively for Wat. Both of these guys very well respected in their fields. How can these educated men support an organization that is so anti-education and inventing doctrine just to cover past failings? Why would they continue to allow a group of self-appointed company men dictate what they should believe? Guess it shows anyone can be duped, just as we were, but that is not a satisfying answer. Hudson Valley NY
It's a mystery how and why very educated people in law or medicine continue to support Watchtower. I personally knew a dr. at the farm and also a lawyer that gave up a good practice, moved to Patterson to work exclusively for Wat. Both of these guys very well respected in their fields. How can these educated men support an organization that is so anti-education and inventing doctrine just to cover past failings? Why would they continue to allow a group of self-appointed company men dictate what they should believe? Guess it shows anyone can be duped, just as we were, but that is not a satisfying answer. Hudson Valley NY
There is always some element of intellectual high achievers who are susceptible to odd beliefs. Years ago, the WTS used to quote oddball doctors in their literature who had off-the-wall medical theories. For God's sake, the man who just almost became President of the United States (who has a law degree and an MBA, by the way, and I think no one would suggest is dumb), has a set of beliefs that in my opinion are marginally better if at all, in terms of weird doctrine and organizational control. Not trying to change the topic, but sure they aren't anti-education and don't have the blood hangup, but when you factor in that they flat out demand 10% of your money, wear magic undergarments, and believe Jesus is setting up his second coming in Missouri, they come out about equal in my book.
Education has little to nothing to do with thought reform/mind control.