If someone put a bullet in Hitler's head before he killed millions of people, I would not frame the gun or wear images of it around my neck. I would not elevate the gun used to holy proportions. There is a hero behind that gun, and I may honor him or her. There are principals behind that gun, and I may hold those principals. But I'm not going to build buildings and put statues of that gun out front. The JW analogy is not horrific. Clothing oneself in an implement of torture is.
So much could be used to symbolize Jesus and the principals he taught. A loaf of bread. That could certainly represent life, the word, salvation. The ancient Aztecs practiced human sacrifice too. They did this for reasons that were valid to them. Yet most Christians would be repulsed if archeologists were to find that they wore knives used for sacrifce as decorations about their necks. Or even more shocking would be images of bleeding hearts recently evicted from living chests.
But make images of the bleeding heart of Jesus or Mary, and superimpose an image of an implement of torture, and it's a holy image.
The mind is a twisty-turny place.