Because Jesus will make sure you are tortured forever if you don't......because he loves you!
Why do people proudly say they belong to Jesus ?
by mP 91 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
@punk-of-face: I think Jesus is not going to burn you forever, even though you have a face "only a mother could love"! Punk, I thought we were passed belief in some type of eternal torment, why can't we take along the good things we learned in the Organization and put them in their proper sense.
Bible lovers after the Organization desire to use Jesus Christ's parables in their proper context. Punk, where does Jesus personally say he is going to put his enemies on a "roasting spitt" and fry them for eternity? The good from the Watchtower was to discredit the terrifying fearful doctrine of "eternal torment", I shared this "Good News" with a man with ALS yesterday, he felt happy!
Do you Believers wear a Cross.
Because Jesus will make sure you are tortured forever if you don't......because he loves you!
I am sorry Punk (well, no not really, lol)... but He will do absolutely no such thing.
Do you Believers wear a Cross.
No, Designs, I do not.
Peace to you both,
'where does Jesus personally say he is going to put his enemies on a "roasting spitt" and fry them for eternity?'
Mt25:41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels;
Tammy *** I was attempting to show that the stigma attached to servant is based upon our understanding of who is supposed to serve. Someone 'low'. This is not the case. Serving one another is a GOOD thing. Serving Christ and God... means also to serve one another... as this is what they ask.****
I had a problem with authority most of my life, all hypocrites, the Jesus of the Bible is the ONLY person I would die for. He led by example not by lip service.
Luke 22:24-27 24 Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. 25 Jesus said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 27 For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? is it not the one who is a the table? But I am among you as one who serves." 2
It appears that this dispute arose after Jesus had washed their feet and exhorted them to do likewise. How quickly they forgot and instead began jockeying for position and power. So Jesus challenges them once again to think and act differently from the world. Serving should be seen as a high honor and in keeping with the very character of God.
17And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together."
How do we qualify to share as "joint-heir-status", the adopted child will eventually become the physical child through Christ's leadership and guidance in the Christian's life.
I fail to see the relevance of being a slave of christ. They can be called friends and it looks much better, simply because it implies all the friends out of their own free will selected to go w/ christ on his fate rather than being a slave, who by definition has no free will and is forced into everything. -
People use the word slave in many contexts. Slaving for a boss. Slave to the grind (see how I got a Skid Row reference in here
mP: Being a slave to your debts is more accurate than being a slave to Christ. Most xians do next to nothing on behalf of JC, so how are they are slave ? THey may be a slave of doing nothing for Christ (TM) but tahts it.). Slave as someone who is forcibly owned by another. But in the past, someone could sell themselves in slavery to pay off their own debts, or simply to live when they might otherwise starve and die. (or they could sell a member of their household too... not necessarily as noble as the first) So it could have been voluntary, and a means to live for someone who might otherwise have died or perhaps gone to prison for their debts. (Slaves who ran to another Israelite were to be given shelter, and were NOT to be returned to their master. That is a law that gets overlooked.) Those who call themselves a slave or servant of... are not forced into such. It is their own choosing. No one (that i know of) means it to be trivializing of the pain of those who suffered under enslavement. Peace to you, tammy
You have said many things, which are all perfectly reasoable.. i will break them up and address each.ARB:
Mp, the burden of proof is on you to discredit what almost "Two Thousand Church Years" have accepted, that Paul wrote Romans. Now, what new evidence do you present to back up this rather giant claim? You said "Paul did not write the book of Romans", so please do inform who did and what you base your premise and conclusion on?
Firstly most of those stories not in the bible, are pure tradition that someone made up and have been repeated over and over again for 2000 years. These same traditions tell us that Peter died in Rome in the 60s on an upside down cross and then 40-50 years later wrote 1 & 2 Peter.
They both cant be right.
Early church tradition (as indicated below) says Peter probably died by crucifixion (with arms outstretched) at the time of the Great Fire of Rome of the year 64. Margherita Guarducci , who led the research leading to the rediscovery of Peter’s tomb in its last stages (1963–1968), concludes Peter died on 13 October AD 64 during the festivities on the occasion of the “dies imperii” of Emperor Nero.
Look at the back of NWT and it will give the date of the writing to 90-100(cant recall exactly which).
Now for the real proof. There are countless scholars that have examined the language, vocabulary, sentence structure and so on of all the NT books. Its pretty much a fact accepted by all that Paul only wrote 7 out of the 13 epistles assigned to him. You can find many Youtube vids or books on Amazon from scholars like Bart Ehrman on this.
In simple terms, we all write in a style that we repeat in all our writings. Experts can use their tools and knowledge to spot which texts belong to a single person by looking at this.
search youtube >>bart ehrman paul letters<< and you can pick from any short vid where he tells you this himself, if you wish to start further reasearch.
Can you prove Paul did not know Jesus, his meeting Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, Holy Spirit inspiriation to preach in some cities, but to avoid others, tells me he did know Jesus Christ from the "spirit realm".
To accept your arguments, I can't put faith in what you say, I need evidence Jesus was not born of a "virgin". I need evidence God does not exist, can you prove of "double negative" too?
Can you prove Paul did not know Jesus, his meeting Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, Holy Spirit inspiriation to preach in some cities, but to avoid others, tells me he did know Jesus Christ from the "spirit realm".
This is extremely easy and the best way to demonstrate my assertion is to serch the Bible yourself.
Find any online bible tool and start searching all of Pauls writings for keywords like Jesus, Christ, and other terms you can think of relating to Jesus life, like virgin, Mary, Bethlehem, the apostle names, Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate, Passover meal, Court appearance and so on.
It wont take long because Paul knows nothing about Jesus ministry in his texts.
How could someone know or write so many books and never mention a single item from Jesus life here on earth ?