I dont understand when this happened:
*** jr chap. 2 pp. 19-21 par. 11 Serving in “the Final Part of the Days” ***
10 Imagine how Jeremiah must have felt on learning of Josiah’s death! Moved with grief, he chanted dirges over the king. (2 Chron. 35:25) This was already a time of worry, and international instability brought pressure on Judah. The rival powers—Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon—were jockeying for control of the region. And the religious climate within Judah had changed with Josiah’s death. That was the end of a regime essentially favorable toward Jeremiah’s activity and the beginning of a hostile one.........
11 The inhabitants of Judah put Josiah’s son Jehoahaz on the throne in Jerusalem. Jehoahaz, also known as Shallum, reigned for just three months. When Pharaoh Necho returned south after fighting the Babylonians, he removed the new king and took him to Egypt, and Jeremiah declared that Jehoahaz would “return no more.” (Jer. 22:10-12; 2 Chron. 36:1-4) In his place, Necho enthroned Jehoiakim, another of Josiah’s sons. Jehoiakim did not imitate his father’s good example. Far from continuing his father’s reforms, he practiced idolatry.—Read 2 Kings 23:36, 37.
What year did this happen? Are they saying this happened after Carchemish?