Mormon leaders reach out to gays, lesbian. I,am shocked!!

by jam 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    Just WOW, unbelievable. From the discussion Qcmbr suggested.

    Apostle Mark Petersen (Race problem)

    Who placed the negroes origainally in darkest Africa? Was it some

    man, or was it God? The Lord segregated the people both as to

    blood and place of residence...He forbid intermarriage with them

    under threat of extension of the curse.

    If there is one drop of negro blood in my children, they receive

    the curse. We are willing that the negro have the highest kind

    of education. I would be willing to let every negro drive a

    Cadillac (lol) if they could afford it. But let them enjoy these

    things among themselevs. What God hath separted let not

    man bring togather again.

    How you like that. Why would any black become a Mormon.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    ...having read your response the language you are using and the juxtaposition of ideas seems to suggest that you've accepted the Mormon view on sexuality (deviant!) Hopefully you'll consider that the rule you seem to promote (homosexuals must respect your space by not making a move on you) would mean that straight people could also not make advances (who knows when a straight person might make a move on a homosexual person and so not respect their sexual space!) You cannot advocate one rule for the privileged straight people and another for the minority homosexual or bisexual.

    I’ve also read your responses and you are proceeding from the premise that homosexuality is not deviant, which is defined as “differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society.”

    In our day, we see pedophilia, bestiality, sadomasochism...even necrophilia being touted as “normal” by some. And without God in the picture, they’d be right. Without God, murder would be ambiguous. Certainly there were many in Nazi Germany who thought ridding the world of Jews, homosexuals, the weak and disabled and all those in society who did not contribute to society was perfectly okay with God and resulted in a stronger society. That said, homosexuality is clearly condemned in the scriptures as being unnatural and sinful. And in modern times, in a day we’re told would be rife with sin and iniquity, we see abortion, homosexuality, man-boy societies and countless other evils touted as being socially acceptable. And there’s nothing I can say or do that will change that.

    Part of the wickedness of homosexuality is the horrible promiscuity that frequently goes with it. Watch the gay parades in San Francisco and look at the holes cut in bathroom stalls made so body parts can fit through. The homosexual lifestyle was repugnant and unnatural to the ancient prophets. In our day, however, we’re expected not to accept that lifestyle, but to refrain from it and accept the people who are burdened with it.

    Apostle Mark Petersen (Race problem), who placed the negroes originally in darkest Africa? Was it some man, or was it God? The Lord segregated the people both as to blood and place of residence... He forbid intermarriage with them under threat of extension of the curse.

    I concede that the race issue has plagued the church, but not as much as one might think. Unfortunately, it seems that Brigham Young, not Joseph Smith, was the author of considerable misconceptions about the Negro race. At the same time, Elder Mark E. Petersen’s remarks were a reflection of the cultural beliefs of his time and generation in the U.S. As such, they represented only his own views in much the same way Paul had a problem with some of his attitudes about women. Most members of the LDS church know that the personal opinions of church authorities (even apostles) are not binding on the church. Only the president of the church can do that, and many times binding declarations come signed by the First Presidency of the church, which consists of the President of the church and his two counselors. The councils of the church can debate various issues; however, only the President of the church can receive revelation for the entire church. Even so, Elder Petersen’s remarks at the time were controversial and were criticized throughout the church.

    President Gordon B. Hinckley said in 2006:

    Now I am told that racial slurs and denigrating remarks are sometimes heard among us. I remind you that no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ....

    Throughout my service as a member of the First Presidency, I have recognized and spoken a number of times on the diversity we see in our society. It is all about us, and we must make an effort to accommodate that diversity.

    Let us all recognize that each of us is a son or daughter of our Father in Heaven, who loves all of His children.

    Brethren, there is no basis for racial hatred among the priesthood of this Church. If any within the sound of my voice is inclined to indulge in this, then let him go before the Lord and ask for forgiveness and be no more involved in such.

    This statement appeared in the official church magazine, Ensign, and was a binding statement.

  • Qcmbr

    Hi Cold Steel,

    I would agree, I am proceeding from the viewpoint that homosexuality is normal, by which I do not mean the majority but part of a spectrum of sexuality upon which we all exist.

    It seems necessary to point out that pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia all do not involve two consenting adults and secular society has matured to the point where we have provided laws to protect those with no voice. Homosexuality is nothing to do with this.

    Lets look at the bible and think about what it talks about and who has interpreted it ( for example I'm fairly certain there is no specific word for homosexuality in the original authors languages so later translaters have added in what they think it says.) The bible authors' various cultures saw women as property and child marriage as the norm. Instructions for men to not lie with men as with women are more likely to refer to the selling of sex than a blanket ban on homosexual behaviour ( if you must apply your narrow definition then you at a sweep liberalise lesbian behaviour.) Sodom seems to portray a story where the men would be happy to rape anyone ( so bisexual), the biblical reference to men and women leaving their natural affections seems more apt as a condemnation of heterosexual orgies than a large group of exclusive homosexuals and then there is a whole world of the Catamites that you may be aware of (pederasty ) that could have been the subject of so called anti-gay scriptures.

    While remaining on the bible don't forget god is happy to use incest as the basis of the foundational family unit (twice - Eden and Noah) , The righteous man Lot has an incestuous relationship with hs daughters, Mary is likely to be a child ( by our laws) when God impregnates her, David and Jonathon 's story seems a clear portrayal of a gay relationship, God rewards men with multiple wives in both biblical and Mormon times, rape is a legitimate biblical way to marry someone, divine genocidal wars spare only virgin women who can be used for sex, even Jesus has an odd relationship with John ( seriously, go look at it again!) , Paul advocates celibacy ( maybe the thorn in his flesh was in some way sexual?) , marriages are arranged according to status, interracial relationships are banned and the cause of sin, and women are legally property in biblical times, they could even be given as sexual partners if they were also unlucky enough to be slaves. In short , defining one man and one woman ( with both as equal partners) ,marrying simply for love ,as normal is about as far from biblical standards as you can get.

    Homosexual behaviour is genetic in origin , but like all sex, it is nurtured and trained by culture and environment. Religion tries to put artificial boundaries on natural processes ascribing arbitrary rewards and punishments that shift the balance of power to favour those in power. Joseph Smith introduced polygamy to allow himself and later his trusted supporters sexual access to woman under their spiritual care. Did god reveal that a woman could select multiple males with her as head of the home? Of course not. God(s) always favour the ruling elite.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    It seems necessary to point out that pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia all do not involve two consenting adults and secular society has matured to the point where we have provided laws to protect those with no voice. Homosexuality is nothing to do with this.

    But who says “consenting adults” is the standard God uses to determine if something is acceptable to him? In a secular society where homosexuality is protected by law, homosexuals are free to do what they wish. God has spoken on the issue, both anciently and in our day. The standard thus is laid down by the Lord, not man.

    Let’s look at the Bible and think about what it talks about and who has interpreted it ( for example I'm fairly certain there is no specific word for homosexuality in the original authors languages so later translators have added in what they think it says.) The Bible authors’ various cultures saw women as property and child marriage as the norm. Instructions for men to not lie with men as with women are more likely to refer to the selling of sex than a blanket ban on homosexual behaviour (if you must apply your narrow definition then you at a sweep liberalise lesbian behaviour.

    Paul said in his epistle to the Romans: “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. (Romans 1:27) And to the Corinthians, he wrote: “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” (1 Corinthians 6:9)

    Sodom seems to portray a story where the men would be happy to rape anyone (so bisexual), the biblical reference to men and women leaving their natural affections seems more apt as a condemnation of heterosexual orgies than a large group of exclusive homosexuals and then there is a whole world of the Catamites that you may be aware of (pederasty) that could have been the subject of so called anti-gay scriptures. While remaining on the Bible don't forget God is happy to use incest as the basis of the foundational family unit (twice, Eden and Noah)....

    The genetic structure of the human population had not been corrupted to the extent it is now, where genetic mutations are common in incest. Starting the human population sometimes requires it. People used to think that marrying one’s first cousin was incestuous; however, it’s being made legal in many states. (It’s a little too close for me, but it’s been done with no genetic mutations.) In the days before the flood, people were larger and lived longer. Their genetic status was more pure.

    Regarding the nations where men kept catamites for entertainment, such as the early Greek, Etruscan, and Roman cultures, yes, I’m sure the Lord would have had problems with that. But recall that the Lord’s harsh treatments of some of the cultures the Israelites met were based on the gross ignorance of the people. The Lord wasn’t using Israel to punish or destroy all those who were living profligate lifestyles at the time. He was leading them to a promised land—a land that was to be made pure and could not, therefore, pollute the Israelites. Along the way, Moses and Joshua did not destroy all the cultures and cities in his way. But he did destroy all five of the Midianite kings, all save their females. And he spared some kings who made peace and slaughtered others. The deciding issue tended to be how entrenched moral denigration happened to be. If a culture were primitive, mean, degrading to its women and young boys, and if it erected altars where infants were burned upon the fires of Moloch, yes, those cities were always swept from the land.

    The righteous man Lot has an incestuous relationship with his daughters, Mary is likely to be a child (by our laws) when God impregnates her, David and Jonathon's story seems a clear portrayal of a gay relationship ...

    Let’s keep these posts on topic and perhaps we could debate the Law of Moses’ additional sexual issues some other time. As far as Lot was concerned, he was made drunk by his daughters, who then had sex with him. They did this because they thought the Lord had destroyed the world when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Not wanting the Earth to remain uninhabited, they felt abusing their father was the only answer. As for David and Jonathon, there is absolutely no evidence of any improper relationship, but rather, a close friendship. Are all very close friendships sexual in nature? Mine aren’t. I have friends I’d do anything for, but we’re like brothers, not lovers. I think you’re dancing on a moonbeam on that one. As for Mary, why make her an issue? We don’t know how old Mary was, but we do know she was betrothed to another man, so she was old enough. Besides, isn’t God the arbiter of what’s right and what’s wrong? What gives us the right to judge God? And by whose standards? If we don’t use God’s, then whose standards do we use?

    Homosexual behaviour is genetic in origin , but like all sex, it is nurtured and trained by culture and environment. Religion tries to put artificial boundaries on natural processes ascribing arbitrary rewards and punishments that shift the balance of power to favour those in power. Joseph Smith introduced polygamy to allow himself and later his trusted supporters sexual access to woman under their spiritual care. Did god reveal that a woman could select multiple males with her as head of the home? Of course not. God(s) always favour the ruling elite.

    If homosexuality is a genetic behavior, then aren’t pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia and other deviant urges? Again, consent doesn’t have anything to do with it. In most cases, adultery is consensual, but that doesn’t make it right. But where the other urges are deviant, adultery is an appendage of heterosexuality, though it can infringe on homosexuality and is more an issue of fidelity.

    Now I know Mormons who believe homosexuality is morally wrong and must be repented of before one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but who also believe from a Libertarian standpoint that homosexual marriage is a state issue. And there are Republicans who believe that it should be a federal issue, as problems would result otherwise if a homosexual married couple moved from a state where it was legal moved to a state where it was illegal. Still others believe it can be worked out between both states and feds. Since God instituted marriage, I’m not too quick to change that. If people wanted to change that to meet social and financial needs, it would be beneficial to homosexual couples. But more troubling are the social issues facing members of the church who are finding it difficult, if not impossible, to change in this life.

    What one of the most fascinating things from within the LDS church will be is that if homosexual marriage does become the law of the land, as I’m convinced it will be, how will that affect churches like mine that denies homosexuals the sacrament of marriage? Such churches also would include the Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, and, in fact, most other strong Bible based churches. When marriage, an ordinance created by God, is polluted and debased as some are intending to do, what could happen to a church that denied it to its gay members? Loss of tax exempt status?

    Much heartache could probably be avoided by calling it something other than marriage, but the LDS church, for one, will never be bullied into attempting to bind two homosexuals for time and all eternity.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    " But who says “consenting adults” is the standard God uses to determine if something is acceptable to him? "

    After all, God was fine with men raping young girls and prisoners of war, so he doesn't really require consent... Or has God's view of right and wrong "evolved" now that we're no longer living in the Bronze Age.

    And what's the problem with gays living happy, fulfilled lives however they wish? The Mormon Church will gladly baptize anyone as a Mormon after they're dead. Posthumous proxy baptism of the dead, such as Anne Frank, is more common than magic underwear.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    After all, God was fine with men raping young girls and prisoners of war, so he doesn’t really require consent... Or has God’s view of right and wrong “evolved” now that we’re no longer living in the Bronze Age.

    Was he, now? Please provide the basis of your historical fantasies. In other words, this is a call for references.

    And what’s the problem with gays living happy, fulfilled lives however they wish? The Mormon Church will gladly baptize anyone as a Mormon after they’re dead. Posthumous proxy baptism of the dead, such as Anne Frank, is more common than magic underwear.

    If gays can live happy, fulfilled lives, fine, but they will not be able to be baptized. The same goes for pedophiles and other sexual deviations. A news article from the Northern Colorado Gazette states:

    Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.

    Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. “Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.

    In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists with B4U-Act recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.

    B4U-Act calls pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” The organization’s website states its purpose is to “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear.”

    Regarding the Christian practice of baptism for the dead (I Cor. 15:29), all vicarious work done by the Latter-day Saints requires a corresponding confirmation ceremony in the realm of the spirits. It’s not enough to baptize a person for the dead; if the person it’s being done for refuses it (and everyone has that right), then the vicarious ordinance is “null and void.” One could do a hundred baptisms for Adolf Hitler, and none of them would do any good because he’s suffering the ravages of hell.

    As far as baptisms for the dead being more common than the liturgical priesthood vestments one receives in the temple, I’d also like to see references for that.

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