FINALLY! Can you prove God exists? If you can I won't ask again!

by punkofnice 544 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tater-T

    thats not evidence's hearsay.. not admissable in court..

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I believe there's something. I've felt it- I feel it. That's all. No evidence, just a feeling. The feeling of something divine, like what Buddhists get. Or that feeling of existentialism you get from a particularly awesome natural spectacle like the beach or a sunset. Not proof though.

  • cofty
    Or that feeling of existentialism you get from a particularly awesome natural spectacle like the beach or a sunset.

    The Japanese have a word for that - Yugen.

  • iCeltic

    I must say even now, I still hate it when I'm offered an a-z list of scriptures that 'prove' that god exists.....not!

    and not just scriptures (even though quoting the bible as proof of god is in my view incredibly .....silly, for want of a better word) but line after line of bible talk with no proof being offered.

    J. That death is not the end? Proof please? You'd be the first human in history to offer that proof but I'm excited to learn.

  • Vanderhoven7


    <<So the women told nobody about the empty tomb. What sort of story is that?>>

    You don't have to like the story. The question is; "Is it true?" and if not, "What really happened to convince the disciples that Jesus was risen?" Or was it all a collaborative hoax... to die for? Not too many options to choose from.

  • iCeltic

    They were brainwashed?

  • Vanderhoven7


    Hearsay is second hand. The apostles got it first hand...and put their lives on the line to vouch for it.

    Hard for me to believe they were a pack of liars.

  • Vanderhoven7


    The Watchtower wasn't around in the first century.

    So...brainwashed by who?

  • iCeltic

    A crazy Rabbi? It's not just the watchtower who brainwash people.

    the burden of proof isn't on me Vanderhoven7, it's on you claiming it to be true. Offer proof, not statements that prove nothing.

  • cofty

    I watched a TV doc about alien abductions last week.

    Hundreds of people will swear to very similar experiences. Nothing will convince them they are deluded.

    One woman agreed to tell her story wired to a lie detector which she failed with flying colours. She was still 100% convinced her story was true.

    Its common to have a strong experience of a feeling of the presence of a loved one after they have died. One person swears Jesus came to them and then others look for the same thing and group-think takes over. Anybody who has witnessed a mass gathering of christians knows all about how powerful group think is.

    There are hundreds of thousands of followers of Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba who are all convinced he has performed every miracle imaginable. You don't give their eyewitness testimony a moments thought and yet you base your whole worldview on far less.

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