It would be like trying to decide whether you want an actual architect to design your house or a guy who claims god whispers architectural secrets in his ear.
If you pick the guy with god in his ear and you have constant structural collapse.....well, what gives?
How much proof do you need that you hired the wrong guy?
For something like the Watchtower Society to be DIRECTED by Jehovah, Jesus and holy spirit all the leadership (GB) has to do is
serve it up straight. After all, they insist it is "food at the proper time" and "meat in due season" and superior to anything christendom is teaching.
Well, if it ISN'T correct and needs "adjusting" over and over again we just can't ignore their original representation of WHO THEY ARE.
Are they CHOSEN to serve food at the proper time? Why does it need adjusting?
If it is the TRUTH...why do they keep changing it??
Making a mistake is something humans do because their knowledge is imperfect. Okay, good reason for a human who is GUESSING.
But, it is a bad reason for a CHOSEN group who is just passing along JEHOVAH'S pure truth.
You see?
They are trying to have things BOTH ways. You don't get away with that.